Chapter 33

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"It was mine, we where playing truth or dare and I dared him to and you know Chris he won't back down from a dare" I lied

Chris looks at me with an apologetic looked and mouthed a Thankyou to me which I gave him a smile back

"What?" Ethan said

"Don't Be mad at him, be mad at me, it was my fault"

"Sit!" Ethan pointed to the spot next to Chris which I took hastily, I'd never seen Ethan this mad or mad at all, it was honestly quite scary.

"Your gonna tell me everything right now Emerson" Ethan Yelled at me and I flinched

"I already told you, I dared him to do it, it's not his fault, I pressured him" I lied

"So your responsible for getting my brother to do drugs?" Ethan said and I nodded

"Yeah, I'm sorry, it was a stupid dare" and it would have been, if that is what actually happened because god know Chris doesn't need daring to smoke a joint.

"Very fucking stupid Emerson, why did you even have it in the first place, did you smoke it?" Ugh I hate lying to him, he's like my big brother

"I found it at the house and no I didn't smoke it" I lied once again, my eyes flicked over to Luke who was shifting uncomfortably, I shot him a look as to say 'don't tell them' and then I looked to Sawyer who was slightly shaking his head in disapproval of me lying to his brothers

"Ethan, don't go harsh on her, she might of dared me but I still did it" Chris swooped in, we can share the blame I'm okay with that

"Ugh, Fine, I just can't believe you would be so stupid, we don't touch drugs in this house, you know that" Ethan scolded and Chris nodded before getting up and walking away, I followed close behind

"They might not but I sure do" he said and I laughed at him

"Thankyou Em, you where there for me again" he said giving me a hug

"It's ok, it was my fault Luke saw you, he followed me and Avery" he nodded and shrugged his shoulders

"Wanna Ditch with me?" Chris asked, I had never ditched before or at least not on purpose, there's been times where I physically couldn't get out of bed to go into school or I was too depressed or anxious but I had never gone for no reason.

I found myself nodding for some reason "Sure, won't we get caught?"

"Were The Cassidy Boys, We're Know for skipping lessons and not turning up, where do you think we get our Bad Boy rep from?" I laughed as he shot me an exaggerated wink

"Okay as long as we can get Ice cream?" I bargained and he sighed

"Sure but no being weird and sharing it" he teased me about Avery and I just slapped him, Not playfully

"It's not weird, it's cute" my voice raised in pitch as I defended my self

"Whatever you say sweetheart" he said as we walked to his car and got in


Me and Chris have just sat down in the ice cream parlour, I had gotten strawberry, obviously, whilst Chris had gotten salted caramel.

"So tell me more about you and Taylor, give me the gossip" I smiled at him

"Honestly he's great, we've been a lot of dates and he's really fun to be around" he looked genuinely happy as he told me this which made me smile

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