Chapter 39

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"Hey Em I was just- oh shit" at the sound of the Voice Sawyer practically flew off the bed he moved away from me so fast.

I looked up to see Ethan who was staring wide eyed at me then at A shirtless Sawyer then back at me, we stayed in silence for what felt like hours but was probably only seconds

"Erm-I" he let out an awkward cough before his face turned hard and serious

"Sawyer, a word please" and with that he left my room and close the door behind


Sawyers P.O.V

I pulled off my t-shirt and threw it down somewhere on her floor but I was to focused on her and making sure she was comfortable to see where it went

My hands trailed from her hips to under her top to her waist, her skin was burning against my hands. Her lips where soft and our tongues fighting for dominance which of course I won but I let her put up a little fight.

I grabbed the hem of her top and began to lift it up and over her head when her door swung open and I leapt up in he air and off her at lightening speed

When I turned around I saw a shocked looking Ethan standing at the door he stuttered random words until his face hardened and became serious

Uh Oh

"Sawyer, a word please" his tone was calm as he turned around, left the room and closed the door behind him

I didn't waste anytime grabbing my shirt and leaving the room leaving Emerson still a little shocked and breathless on the bed


Ethan was stood waiting outside Emerson's room with his arms crossed, he looked intimidating just like our dad, they act the same when they're mad or annoyed so I was not looking forward to this.

"What's the hell are you doing Sawyer?" He took a step closer to me

"Listen, let me explain" Ethan was actually making me nervous right now

"How long has this been going on, you and Emerson?"

I thought for a second "Nearly 2 weeks but I've liked her since she got here" and it's true she is one of the most beautiful, funny and amazing girl I have ever met not to mention a complete badass.

"She's 17" he kept it blunt and I slowly nodded

"Yeah she's 18 in a few days, we've already talked about this"

"She's in high school, your 21 not to mention 22 in 5 months"

"I know but does it really matter if I love her?"

My eyes widened a little, I love her

I love Emerson

"Listen, I can see you care for her I just don't want to see her get hurt or see you get hurt"

"I won't hurt her and she won't hurt me" I said authoritatively to reassure myself as well as Ethan

"You don't know that, what about them she goes off to college, meets new people, people her own age you might hold her back"

"Then that's her decision to make but for now we're both happy" I can make her happy and that makes me happy

"Fine, I don't think it's the best idea but if your happy who am I to stand in the way, just don't sleep with her yet because that is illegal" he said the last bit in a jokey tone and I lightly punched him in the arm.

I smiled and went back into Emerson's room, but she was already sat on the edge of the bed on her phone,

She looked up at me and smiled worriedly
"What did he say?" She had urgency in her voice

"He's ok with it, he won't tell anyone don't worry" I kissed her forehead and pulled her to like done next to me

"When should we tell people?" He voice sounded so sweet and innocent

"I- I don't know babe, maybe after your birthday?" It was more of A question because I'm all honesty I'm scared to tell my Mom and Dad, what if they take her away from me, I can't have that.

"Okay, after my birthday it is" she said unsurely but cuddled into my chest as a sign of reassurance

"So, are you excited for Hawaii?" I asked, it was kind of a stupid question as her face lit up and the mention of the place, already answering my question

"I can't waittttt" she squealed

"I've always been interested in going but when Seb FaceTimed me when he was there it just looked so beautiful" her smile widened and her happiness warmed my heart

"So Sebastian will look after you?" I was checking, reassuring myself that sending her off to Hawaii with two guys was a good idea

"Of course he will, Avery too"

"I'll miss you baby"

"Aww I'll miss you too" she said snuggling into my side

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