Chapter 18

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I walked into the living room, with the boys sat around and Avery by my side, we went and sat down, well Avery sat and I sat on Avery knee as the only free space left was on the one seater.

The boys stared at me weirdly.

"I know some of you already know this but I need to tell all of you because it's something I'm going to need your help with it," I paused and they continue to stare

I feel Avery tighten his grip on my waist and mumble That 'it's ok' in my ear

"I have bad Anxiety, I suffer from Panic attacks and it can be very hard for me to deal with certain social situations, school being one of the hardest. I need to tell you because I need support at school and I don't expect you to be by my side every second of the day but I just need to know that I have somebody to go to if it gets to much and Avery is unable to be there" I explained to them, letting out a shaky breath

"Of course we will be there for you" Chris said and I smiled

"Why didn't you tell us when you got here?" Luke asks, of course Luke asked

"I was never gonna tell any of you, and deal with it, but when realisation hit that I wouldn't have Avery to help me I knew I needed to explain to you and make sure I am safe" I admitted

"Oh" was all he said, Luke Cassidy,speechless?

"So how come some already know?" Chris asked me

"Well your mom told Sawyer and Ethan so they could help me out and I told Daniel the other day" I explained to them and they nodded

"But they are the 3 people who won't be at school with me so that's why I need you guys to know this"

"So what do we do if you have an attack at school?" Jamie asked, Yay a sensible question

I looked at Avery so he could explain because he knew best how to handle me, I didn't even know how to stop it.

"You call me first, I need to know wether about it wether I can make it to her or not" he said firmly to the boys and they nodded

"Take her somewhere secluded like a bathroom or a classroom, Get her on your lap and basically cradle her like the baby she is..." he mocked me with a chuckle casing me to slap him upside the head playfully

"Hey I'm not a baby" I defend myself

He rolls his eyes at me and continues to speak
"Then you need to work in her breathing, out her hand on your chest by your heart and coach her breathing, so she can match her breathing rhythm up to yours. And with that she should start to calm down, then make sure she gets water and something to eat, her favourite after a panic attack being skittles"

I smiled at him and how much he knew about me, I gave him a kiss in the cheek "you know your the best" I cooed

"I've been told" he laughed and the boys clear their throat

"Oh and if she has and Anxiety attack that's severe and you will know it's severe because she will either pass out completely or she will be clutching her throat, not being able to breathe, then she needs to got to the nurse immediately because it can end up really bad" he added with a sense of urgency, I haven't had a severe anxiety attack in about 5 months but you never know,

"What are your triggers?" Jamie chokes in with another sensible question

"Mainly being in large groups of people, parties, public speaking and my mo-" I cut myself of from saying the word mom, I almost let too much information slip

The boys stared at me intently and my eyes widened slightly but they didn't say anything, so Avery decided to but I'm with a story

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