Chapter 26

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I woke up alone but I never had a nightmare, I don't know if it's because I fell asleep in Sebastian's arms or if it's the fact I know Avery's here to help me but it's the first time in a long time I've slept through the night on my own.

I check the clock, 10:00am I have slept in a little bit and should probably go home after breakfast, I get up and look for the boys but they aren't up yet so I guess it's time to wake them, first up


I slowly opened his door and found him sleeping peacefully, cuddling his pillow, perhaps he misses me?

I get up on the bed and jump on top of him, making him groan out in pain

"Wake up sunshineeeee" I sang whilst lead on top of him, he slowly opens his eyes and glared at me, but it soon changes into a smile and he wraps his arms round me and rests them in my back

"Morning baby, you sleep good?" He ask in his raspy morning voice. Sexy.

"Yeah alone and not a single nightmare" I said resting my head in the crook of his neck

"I'm beginning to think you don't need me anymore" he teased, but I could tell he was being serious, I wrapped my arms around his neck

"I'll always need you, it's one night out of hundreds" and he nodded, "Now you get up I'm going to wake Seb up" and with that I left the room and Creeped into Sebastian's

I decided to do the same as I did with Avery since it proved effective and I got a cuddle out of it so I scrambled up into Sebastian's bed which was quite high and then jumped on him, He yet again let out a groan of pain.

"Angel, Get off me" he said without opening his eyes

"It could of been Avery" I said

"Yeah if Avery weighed the same as a 17 year old girl" again his eyes remained shut

"Aww Come on I only wanted a hug, Avery gave me one!" He finally opened his eyes after he realised I wasn't getting off him

"Fine" he huffed bit wrapped his arms around my back anyways and held me tightly for a minute before letting me go

"You've had your hug, now let's go get breakfast" I nodded

"Em you have to get off me for that to happen" he laughed and I realised I was still crushing him

"Oh, Yeah" I face palmed myself before getting off and going I go to he kitchen, only to find Avery already getting out the cereal, which I'm guessing is all they currently have

"We're going shopping today Seb, I'm not living off of Coco-pops for the next week" Avery says

"I know and we will but for now it will have to do, eat up my dear brother" Seb said whilst pouring milk in all three bowls

I loved their relationship, I know they're brothers but they are so close and it's so cute to watch them bicker and joke around, they can never stay mad at each other just like they can never stay mad at me. We make a cute little family and I love it.


After breakfast I put on my jeans but keep on Sebastian's T-shirt, 1) because it's comfy and 2) I may or may not of spilled chow mein down the front of my top.

We gotin the car and I whipped out my phone, for the first time since last night might I add, to check the time, it was 10:50

I noticed I had a tonne of texts and missed calls from the boys, 6 missed calls from Sawyer, 2 from Ethan, 9 texts from Luke and 5 from Chris as well as some front the rest of the boys. Weird.

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