Chapter Thirteen

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The last thing Ryland expected to see when he opened his front door was Shane's red-rimmed eyes staring back into his. He furrowed his eyebrows, glancing behind him to make sure his sister wasn't spying on them through the curtains, and stepped out onto the front porch, quietly shutting the door behind him so his family wouldn't be disturbed. A lone tear rolled down Shane's face and Ryland frowned, reaching out to wipe away the liquid leaving a trail down the auburn-haired boy's cheek. The pad of his thumb lingered against Shane's skin as the trembling boy leaned into his touch, his hand finding its place on top of Ryland's as he attempted to settle his tears.


His words were silenced as Shane's lips connected with his. Ryland's fingers curled around the back of the taller boy's head, tangling themselves in his auburn locks as he remembered what it tasted like to have salt and sugar mix. The moisture trickling down Shane's face dripped into both of their mouths, turning the taste bitter, but Ryland didn't care – he lived off of getting a rush from the green-eyed boy with the personality he didn't understand.

"Shane," He whispered as they pulled away, but the auburn-haired boy dove back in immediately, his mouth finding every inch of Ryland's skin as if the blue-eyed boy was a drug and he was addicted to touching each and every part of him. "Woah, okay—Shane!"

"I thought you wanted me."

Shane's voice fell, like the confidence he had mustered up faltered at the idea of Ryland not feeling the way that he did about them, though that wasn't the case. Ryland was still unsure if it was his doings or something else that had Shane in chaos and tears, but the reason behind his tears was more important to Ryland than a make-out session.

"I do," Ryland promised softly, brushing his fingers through the messy curls attaching themselves to Shane's forehead. "But, I don't want to take advantage of you." Shane hung his head and Ryland traced his forefinger over the red mark on the other boy's face. "Did somebody do this to you?"

"You already know the answer."


"I want you." Shane gripped the sides of Ryland's hips and pulled him closer. "I forgive you for telling Garrett about everything – I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I know you're not like everybody else, you care about me, and right now, I need somebody who cares about me." He trailed his lips down the side of Ryland's jaw and grinned as the blue-eyed boy began to cave. "Come on, Ry."

"My parents are home," Ryland explained. "My sister's going to be in her room. I can't—" He couldn't believe he was considering the possibility. "Shane, this is crazy."

"We have my Dad's car."

Ryland opened his mouth to argue, but realistically, he knew he couldn't. He knew he wanted this to happen as much as Shane did, he lo—really, really liked—this boy, but he didn't want to give the auburn-haired boy something he knew could be taken away. The only person he'd ever had sex with was his ex-boyfriend, the biggest regret of his life, and Shane practically did this for a living – they were opposites when it came down to experience. Still, Ryland wanted to press his lips to the creases of Shane's body as much as he had ever wanted anything else.

"You know you want to," Shane traced his thumb over the back of Ryland's hand. "I mean, obviously. I don't know anybody who wouldn't want to have sex with me."

Ryland's face faltered and he pulled his hand from Shane's grip. "Well, why don't you go and ask somebody else to sleep with you? If you have so many options."

"Woah—" Shane frowned. "Ryland, no."

"What am I to you?" Ryland growled back. "What are we doing here, Shane? You show up here, expect me to have sex with you, and then—what happens? You run back and tell the friends you're lying to about how you got the new kid to sleep with you on his first week here because he was as stupid as every other person that's ever fucking fallen in—liked—you? I'm not trying to be that guy, Shane."

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