Chapter Fifteen

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"W—What are you doing here?"

He hated the way his voice quivered. He hated the way he was scared of this boy, the way it felt like nothing had changed, like he was still living in Colorado. It was a slap in the face, the reminder that no matter where he went, he would always be found. His parents had packed up everything and moved so he would be able to fall asleep without the sound of a crackling branch outside his window sending him into a panic attack in the middle of the night, but it felt as though none of that mattered anymore. He had survived the boy in front of him once before and he didn't think he could do it again.

"I thought you would be happier to see me."

He took a step back, a branch cracking underneath his foot and taking him back to the nights when he'd lie awake in his bed and wait for morning to come. As predicted, the boy in front of him took a step forward as if they were playing a game. Ryland backed into the hood of his car, wondering how close his sister was to the door and how close Shane was to their house. With every second that passed, his heart pounded harder and harder, and he wondered if he should have told Shane when he had the chance. Surely, he would have never been left alone if Shane knew his boyfriend's abusive ex-boyfriend was in town.


"Are you really calling your sister to come save you?" He laughed as though he were a snake and his words were venom. "How is Morgan, by the way? I haven't seen her in quite a while. Last I heard, I'm pretty certain she was going crazy. Guess nobody can blame her, though. It must be scary, being fourteen-years-old and finding your brother on the verge of death, knowing it's up to you to save him before—"

Ryland's eye twitched. "Keep my sister's name out of your mouth. Besides, we all know why I ended up like that." He took a deep breath. "Don't we, Mike?"

"Hey, it's not my fault you chose to talk back to me, Ryan. Besides, it was never my intention to kill you, but I had to make sure you didn't do it again. I had to scare you into knowing who was boss when it came down to our relationship. And look, I guess it worked. I mean, I presume I'm the reason your family chose to move states."

"I knew you would find me if we stayed."

Mike laughed. "I would have found you anywhere. Clearly, I'm here. I had to practically beat one of the boys you used to hang out with for information, but I knew he would give in eventually. Made the trip up here this morning and waited around until you came home."


"I wanted to prove I still have control over you." The dark-haired boy's eyes darkened as he stepped towards Ryland. "I know you still love me, Ry. If you didn't, you would have pressed charges. If you didn't, you would have answered my messages." He took another step forward. And another. And another. And another. Until he was so close, Ryland could smell the all-too-familiar cologne. "You do still love me, don't you?"


He heard a crash from inside the house, and a second later, the door swung open and Morgan stepped out onto the porch. "This better be good because I—" Her words cut off as she noticed the scene happening in front of her. Before Ryland could tell her not to, she hopped down from the porch and raced over to the two boys, her shoeless feet crunching against the gravel. "What the hell are you doing here?"


"Ry, what the hell is he doing here?"

"Well, look who grew up since the last time I saw her." The dark-headed boy grinned and Morgan turned to face him, digging her nails into Ryland's skin in the process as though she thought somebody was going to take her brother away from her. Ryland winced, but she barely noticed as she stared down the boy with the brown eyes, and it was only then that Ryland realized Mike was nothing like Shane. "You know, it's a shame I'm gay or you and I could have had something."

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