First Meet

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After the Minato's funeral and Naruto went home , Shikamaru asked Hinata to went home together .


"Hoi Hinata , lets go home " and then we go home together, On the way i asked her some question that made her blushing . " hoi Hinata , do you love Naruto?" I curiously ask her


" wwwhaatt?? no i don't " as i started to blush

Shikamaru :

" DON'T LIE !!! I CAN READ YOUR FACE !!! Tell me !!! don't worry my lips were sealed "

Hinata :

" Is it too obvious ?"as i confused 

Shikamaru :

" yeahh Look at your face now !! its turning red like tomato! anyway why do you like that loser ?"

Hinata 's POV :
" Don't call him loser !!! well it begins about 10 years ago  "

Flashback 10 years ago:

"Dad ! i wanna play outside with Neji nissan( big brother )  ! "

Hiashi ( Hinata's dad ):

" OK !!  but don't come late !! Neji , i trusting your little sister to you !!"

Neji : 

" OKay dad now Hinata-sama ( princess) lets go !"

I and Neji niisan played together , we threw snowballs, we built snowman . But i saw a little kitten run in front of us . Because it was so cute i followed it and i suddenly realized that i've lost so , i cried and  called my brother ." NEJI NI SAAN WHERE ARE YOU ? HIKS HIKS"

Neji's POV:

 I'm still focusing to build a snowman for my little sister Hinata but when i wanted to show it to her, she has gone ." Hinata-sama Where are you ?" as i panicky went home and told my father .

Hinata's POV :

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME !" i shouted and sobbed at the same time. And suddenly a blonde hair boy come  and help me 

" hey ! are you alright ? you've lost right ? let me bring you home !! lead me the way !" he smiled at me and bring me home 

" hey ! are you alright ? you've lost right ? let me bring you home !! lead me the way !" he smiled at me and bring me home 

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Then when i arrived at home , i quickly hug my brother and father who already waited me home.

"Thank you and what's your na--? " i wanna asked him but he has already gone after i rounded my body to see him .


" hey Hinata , Don't play with that boy . He is dangerous "

Hinata :

" why dad ? " i asked him curiously

Hiashi :
" you will know it later "

After Father said that , it makes me more curious about him and the fate make us to meet again

2  Years Later

Its my first day in academy and before Iruka sensei come , i saw him sat alone , i wanted to sit next to him but Sakura and Sasuke suddenly enter the class room and sat next to him. After that our teacher come.

" Hello everyone !! I'm Iruka and i'm your teacher now , you can called me sensei , today's lesson is the technique to throw shuriken . Ok so first you have to bend your elbow approximately 90 degree and ... NARUTO  wake up! now come here and answer this question in white board noww!!!!! ( question : first step to throw shuriken)

Sorry sensei, I don't understand" mumbled him

Can you just listen me while im teaching ? dont compare yourself to sasuke , he is cleaver .Now GO BACK TO YOUR SEAT !!!" Scold Iruka

Naruto :
why everyone HATES ME!!!! i cant take this anymore , as soon he left the classroom and sobbed 

Iruka :

I have to report this to yondaime hokage , everyone please wait till i come back" said Iruka Panicky 

Hinata's POV : 

In that time , i knew that his Name is Uzumaki Naruto , but i don't know why i wanted to follow him ,i wanted to call him but i'm too shy at that time . If i have courage to chase him , he will not leave this academy . Anyway i have to back to the classroom.


"Neji niisan , can i go to Naruto's house ? if you know the address maybe you can bring me there " i asked my brother but he refused it . 

" Why do you want to play with that monster , ITS TOO DANGEROUS Hinata-sama !"Said Neji

" But---" 

" NO EXCUSE !!! Lets go home !" yelled Him

I don't know why but i want to know him more but in the night i saw him again passed my house with the masked man . 

" Is that Naruto-kun ????, i saw him passed our house Neji niisan !!" i

" You must be so tired so you hallucinate seeing Naruto ! now , come in and lets sleep " said Neji 

If i know that time he will left the village , i will chase and stop him. But now i regret it cuz im too shy .

" Neji niisan , why did everyone hate him ?" i asked him curiously 

" well i think it's the time for you to know it  . About 8 years ago , The Nine tails beast ( Kyubi) attacked us and killed a lot of people in Konoha , but thanks to Kushina to seal that kyubi into his son , Naruto . After that , she died . I know the truth from dad about the cause Kushina's death is she lost a lot of chakra to seal that kyubi but everyone blamed him he killed his mom because the kyubi inside him , if he can't control that power , he maybe will attack our village again  , so for the safety reason Minato as the 4th Hokage warn us to not get close to Naruto. "Said Neji 

" ohh poor him !! but i will break that prediction !! i will prove that he is not a monster !! he is so kind ". After i said that , i become curious with him and unconsciously fell in love with him . 

End of Flashback


"I have waited him for 8 years but he didn't show his existence , i thought he was killed by the ANBU ( A group of Assassin from Konoha ) but i finally see him now , but i still don't have courage to tell my feeling to him " 

Shikamaru :

" ahh you really love him !! i will help you to get closer to Naruto , but not today ok ?  i will ask Kiba and Choji tomorrow in the school , Don't worry Kiba and Choji are my best friend so they will keep this secret too , Besides they also Love expert "

Hinata :

" Really  Shikamaru-kun? thank you!! anyway my house is over there ! See you tommorow Shikamaru-kun " as i smiled at him

Shikamaru :

" Alright bye Hinata  ," . What a drag i'm happy that NAruto will have a girlfriend so maybe he can slowly move on from his dad "


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