You Are The Reason

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Naruto's POV:

" Hinata! open your eyes !!!! its me " i tried to wake her but she keep attacking me .

" OI Hinata ! snap of it !"

" Its no use to stop her ! she is under my Genjutsu now ! HAHAHA" laughed Toneri

" I will never give up! even i have to die here , I will always fight for my love , no matter what ! Hinata will be mine , not yours".

She keep attacking me without hesitation and i keep dodging her .

" Hahaha what a bullsh*t , you won't ! She already choosed me ! SHE WILL NEVER LOVE YOU !" Yelled Toneri

" I don't care !! even she hates me , intend to kill me ! my love to her will never fade !!"

" HAhaha I will kill you now !!! Hinata ! use your Hakke Rokujuuyonshou To kill him now"

Toneri commanded Hinata to kill me

" Alright my Love , Bye Naruto-kun" as she soon flickered to me , but before she hit me ...

" SHAANAROOOOO!!!!" Sakura-chan punched Toneri powerfully until made Toneri's nose bleeding and lost his chakra to control Hinata . Hinata suddenly fell and then i grab her quickly but she seems still under Toneri's Genjutsu

Sakura's POV:

After gaining myself chakra , i decided to help Naruto and by a good luck , i managed to help Naruto on time . I knew it Hinata only being controled by Toneri so if i hit Toneri , he won't control her anymore .

" Now its the time Naruto ! Save her ! leave Toneri with me !" and then i faced Toneri

" You quiet brave ! but will this pinked hair Kunoichi able to kill me ? HAHHAHA" Toneri suddenly stood up and quickly attacked me with his Taijutsu

" Until when you will keep dodging me ?" Asked Him

i keep avoiding his Jutsu until i feel so tired and then ..

" HAhaha you won't ever beat me ! take this!" he kicked my legs and my tummy until i thrown off and nearly passed out .

" HAHAHA Times up kid ! now its time to kill that couple and gain their power HAHAHAHA"

Toneri left me and fly to them .

" Naruto, i'm sorry ! hope you already awake Hinata " as soon i faint

Naruto's POV:

I grabbed Hinata and take her far away to keep her save , she is faint now and i sense her chakra is getting lower and her eyes still black .

" Hinata "

I kissed her lips , i feel so relieve finally i'm able to express my love and she...

'ARGHHHHHHH" She screamed in pain , i hug her tightly in order to reduce the pain in her and finaly she opened her eyes .

Hinata's POV:

I awaked in Naruto-kun's Hug and i merely saw that he is different . I feel his chakra is bigger than before.

" Where are we now , i thought i'm in Toneri's castle but.."

" Hinata, you are alright now ! you are strong Hinata ! hehe " he smiled at me

" Naruto -kun! That scarf " i pointed his scarf

" AHh this ? this scarf was from my precious girl , that girl is in front on me now ! Thats you Hinata ! I love you "

I'm not dreaming right ? he actually said that to me ? i'm so happy and this is the moment that i waited for a long time .

" Finaly you awake Hinata ! Now how about our Marrige ? Will you still marry me ? " asked Toneri

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