The Changed Plan

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Its morning now in Konoha , as usual all the Konoha's shinobi go to  the academy to learn a Ninjutsu , training and so on , Now Shikamaru and the others are discussing something.

Shikamaru's POV:

i have no idea what should i give for their wedding present .  I'm actually not good at this and what should i give to them ? maybe i will ask them

" Hoi , what are you guys gonna give for Hinata and Naruto's wedding present ?'

" OMG  I nearly forgot it , i'm also have no idea ! how about Ino?" said Sakura 

" i'm also don't know what i'm gonna give ! " replied Ino

" What a drag ! This is much difficult than i expected , WHAT A TROBLESOME , WHY THEY DECIDE TO MARRY NOW ? iS IT TO EARLY ! " i mumbled and Suddenly

" yeah its too early to me so we decided to postpone our wedding " Said Naruto as he and HInata apppear behind us 

" WHOAAA !!! " everyone yelled and suprised 

" Oi Naruto ! i didn't mean to say that i just.."

" its okay Shikamaru , its not your fault . Actually.."

 1 Hour Ago

Naruto's POV:

I will go to Hinata's house to pick up her, i planned tp go to academy together with her . I knocked the door and Mr, Hiashi opened it . 

" Naruto, would you eat breakfast with us ? Hinata is still making her food  " 

" Can i ? thanks Mr. Hiashi "

after that i entered her house and had breakfast with them and then Mr. Hiashi asked me 

" Naruto ! please take care of Hinata ! she is the princess of Hyuga that will lead our clan " said Mr Hiashi

"I will Mr Hiashi , Don't worry ! with all my power i will protect her no matter what ! even i have to risk my own life , i will never let someone hurt her !. I will never brake my promisse , i will never give up ! thats my Ninja's way "

Mr.Hiashi seems begun to like me more and then he asked me one more question:

" Naruto , are you ready enough to marry my daughter ? you still young and you have to handle your baby later , are you ready enough ?" Asked Mr Hiashi

i'm speechless at that time , i'm only thinking to marry her . I haven't concidering about my new family , kids . or being parrents .

" Mr. Hiashi , i will think the answer ! and i will reply you when i already have a good answer " and  then i finished eat , wash the dishes and then asked Hinata to go to academy .

" Hinata , lets go , we will late you know  ?" 

" I'm coming Honey !" as she come to me and we go 

Hinata's POV

Since  Dad has asked that question to Naruto , Naruto acts so weird . His face is turning like he is confused , he become colder that before , Maybe  it hurt his feeling after heard that question ,

" Naruto-kun, sorry if dad has asked you that weird question " i apologize to him 

" Thats not the weird question , instead i am too weird " said him

" About what ?"

" about marrying you " 

I shocked and couldn't belive what i've just heard . 

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