The Rejection

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Hinata's POV:

I planned to give him Chocolate cake and scarf that i already made it , i sacrificed my bedtime for making the cake cuz this is my pure love to him, i looked at the clock and its already 2 AM and suddenly Neji Nissan come to me .

" Hinata-sama ! you have to sleep , its already late and you will broke your body you know ? "said Him as he tried to give me advice but i ignore it

" NO NIsan ! i'm not gonna sleep until this cake is completely cooked and perfect , because this cake indicate my pure feeling and love to Naruto, please don't disturb me Neji nisan !"

" No YOu have to sleep ! you have to go to academy right tomorrow ? " said Him as he raised his voice

"Niisan !! Please understand my feeling just one time please !! i'm begging in you " as i started to burst out my tears

" Alright alright don't cry Hinata-sama , i will help you so we can finish it quickly " Said him as he calmed me

"REALLY ? THANK YOU NIISAAN !!" as i show my big smiled at him

After that we baked , decorate it and we finished at 3 AM

" It looks like we did it earlier that i expected " said Neji niisan as he rub my hair

" Yeah! because you helped me , thanks niisan !"

" NO problem my princess , now we have to sleep ! " said him and we slept in our own bedroom

1 Hour later

I saw Naruto kun there , waiting for someone in the entrance gate of Ninja Academy but when i got near him .

" Naruto Kun!" i shouted at him

" AH Hinata ! what are you doing here ?" asked him curiously

" Hmmm jussst want to... to..... call you heheh , how about you ?" i respond it with hesitation

" ahh i'm waiting for someone here" said him

I curiously wanted to know who is the person that Naruto-kun talked about

" Naruto -kun, if you free , lets eattt hmmm ramen together " i asked him

" Oh sorry Hinata , i hate ramen and then i think i should tell you something . DONT EVER ASK ME FOR A DATE AGAIN !! I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU HINATA" Shouted Him as i shocked

I petrified and started to sob and then The person that Naruto talked about has come

"Sorry Hinata but Naruto is my Boyfriend now so please don't ever think that he will love you , Never !!! hahaha " and i soon realized that was Sakura

" Sakura-san , i thought we were friends , why did you betray me hiks hiks ? " i cry and i still can't believe that Sakura betrayed me

" Sorry Hinata but we have to go , byee and don't ever called me again" said NAruto rudely as he and Sakura left me alone

" Bye Hinata , HAHAHAH" laughed Sakura with the wicked voice


" Hinata-sama wake upppp!!!!" i heard that voice and it so familiar

and then i awake from my bed and i really relieved thats only Nightmare, and luckily Neji niisan stopped that nightmare , he came to my bedroom and he looks so worry about me

" Neji nissan, hiks hiks " sobbed i

" what happened Hinata-sama ? "

" I were rejected by Naruto and Were betrayed by Sakura in my dream " mumbled i

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