Our Last Date

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Naruto's POV:

After Hinata finally out from the hospital , i bring her to her house , On the way home i asked her something .

" Hinata , if you free tonight lets have a good date !"

" I'd love it ! where ?"  asked her curiously

" hmm .. How about Ichiraku?' 

" okay , " she smiled at me 

" I will come here in 7 PM to take you ! be ready okay !"

" OKay NAruto -kun , so bye for now !" 

" bye " 

and then i run quickly to home , i wanted to be perfect in my first date with Hinata  so i take a bath , iron my cloth ,and then i also brush my teeth and wash my face , suddenly Iruka -sensei come.

" its rare that you wash your face ! hmm i bet you are going to date  with Hinata right ?"

" hehehe yes ! what do you think if i wear this outfit ? " 

" Hmmm its too usual , try something different "

" Hmm how about this ? " 

" hmmm.. Perfect, and here ! try my perfume ! you will be great !" 

" okay thanks Iruka -sensei !!"

I spray his perfume in my body , i also use hairspray to tidy up my hair

"Iruka- sensei , i'm out now !"

" okay Naruto , enjoy your date and don't come home late !"

And then i head to her house to take her, i text her that i already in her house waiting for her

" Hinata i'm here "

" okay Honey , wait i will come soon !' 

about 5 minutes waited for her , finally she come 

" Sorry for keep waiting for me !" she showed her guilty face to me

" its okay dear ! lets go , Mr Hiashi , i  borrow Hinata tonight !" 

" Dad , i'm going with NAruto "

" Okay , don't be late to come home " Said Mr Hiashi

after that we head to Ichiraku ramen , we eat there and have some conversation there 

" Hinata ,   i want to ask you something "

" what is it NAruto-kun"

" AEgh About our MArriage , is it okay if we married in my next birthday ? i"

" Why ?"

" because  , i want to marry you after i become a good Ninja , graduate from our academy , and then we will busy for mission right ?"

" oh okay , i will wait for you . i hope you trully ready to marry me Naruto-kun"

" thanks for understanding me"

she smiled and then after we have eaten our ramen , i bring Hinata home.

she smiled and then after we have eaten our ramen , i bring Hinata home

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