Escape the Night: All Stars

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alright so if y'all have watched the trailer (if you haven't it's right above to watch) i'm going to be giving my honest opinion and predictions in this chapter.

Let's start off with my saying that i'm ultimately really excited for this season because their are three-four characters that i love that can redeem themselves from their deaths which is justine, rosanna, colleen and alex.

the theme of this season is absolutely amazing and stunning, i like the jungle sort of theme to the story. I also, after watching some analysis videos, have been loving the new villains, they look hella cool. However, their are a couple of things I need to discuss.

No shade, but why is Bretman with Joey? If this an All Stars season, why is there still new characters getting involved. I'm surprised it's not like Nikita or Mat because (SPOILER ALERT) they end up appearing in the season looking hella badass.

(MORE SPOILER ALERTS) but what's the thing with Liza? Like I know she dead, but like why is she very much clearly apart of the trailer? Who is Liza in this story? A traitor? A spirit to help them? like that got me twisted.

Okay, let's talk eliminations and who I believe will die/win. So first off the obvious answer of who will survive the night is Joey, this is a series that can keep going for at least another season with either new characters or old, making another all stars series to get the rest of his friends back.

However I leave the case open that Joey might actually die this season because again like i said, bretman is the only youtuber that hasn't been apart of escape the night which means maybe joey is lacking on people to help? or maybe he's just not asking more of his friends because he wants them for other seasons of escape the night.

The obvious ones that will most likely die first is Tana, Destorm, and Timothy. I believe they die in that exact order or Timothy dies after Tana then Destorm. This is mainly the reason we barely see them in the trailer at all.

Now for potential winners. If Joey goes by the winners being a male and female, I do highly believe that the winners will be Alex and Colleen. However another person I believe that can be a winner is Justine, I get a vibe that she can win and I hope is Colleen or Justine that win.

Although this is an option that Justine and Colleen survive, and Alex die like right at the end like last time. However, Alex is probably one of the people that fans thought should've won. This is what I believe is why Colleen, Rosanna, Gabbie and Justine also return.

I am HOPING THAT COLLEEN AND ALEX WILL WIN! I really do believe it because they are fan favorites that deserved to win because i know a lot of people kind of hated the fact that they both died in betrayal of Joey.

One more theory i want to make is that Joey actually does die in this season, ending the series like in the end or second to end. This will ultimate give us the option of someone else surviving, who id like to believe it's justine. this theory has no support, but hey. a girl can dream.

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