You're Alive

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I know it's been quite a while since I've actually posted on here for Bellamy. I figured that I might as well post the newest fics I've written! Also, I have an ongoing series for Bell and an OC. Would you guys want me to post that on here?? Let me know!!


Six years on the ground. Six fucking years surviving with Clarke. About a month after Praimfaya we went to the Capital to try and get into the bunker, only realizing the giant ass building collapsed on it. The two of us tried to unbury them, but it was useless when some of the building collapsed some more.

Clarke, Madi, and I stopped near a cliff for the night. The two were in the back of the rover as Clarke was telling the young girl a "bedtime" story as I sat outside. I looked up at the sky, seeing the ring from the ground as a small smile would appear on my lips. I fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist, the same bracelet Bellamy gave me before we left the bunker six years ago.

"I hope you guys are doing okay up there," I mumbled to myself, licking my lips gently as a small sigh escaped my lips.

"They're probably doing better than we are," Clarke mentioned and I jumped slightly, glancing over my shoulder to see her standing behind me.

"Yeah, but at least we're surviving," I muttered, looking back up at the sky. "You think they'll come down soon?"

"I hope so. I don't wanna hear your moan and groan about Bellamy anymore," she joked as a laugh left my lips, shaking my head.

"Shut up," I chuckled as Clarke sat beside me. "I just miss him. I miss all of them, but I'm glad you don't have to be completely alone."

"I'm surprised you didn't die. Luckily I remembered how to do a blood transfusion," Clarke mentioned as I nodded, fumbling my fingers together.

"Honestly I thought I was a goner as well. Their certainly gonna have a surprise when they get down here though," I told her, a yawn leaving my lips as I stretched a bit. "Well, I'm gonna hit the hay, I'll see you in the morning, Clarke."


Two Days Later...

Clarke was watching the guy stuck in the trap, screaming out for his friends to help. I bit my nails, glancing at the guy and Clarke as she looked so calm, not showing any fear.

"How long are we waiting for?" I asked quietly as Madi was crouching beside me.

"Yeah, can we let him go now?" Madi asked in a gentle voice, looking up at her mentor.

Clarke looked away from the man, glancing down at the young girl. "We can't do that. This is our home... they'll hurt us," she tried to explain as Madi nodded slightly.

"Okay then can we kill him now?" She asked as I heard rustling, ducking my head a bit. The man's people appeared out of the woods, on high alert as someone walked up to the guy in the trap before Clarke shot them in the head.

Next thing I know we're being blasted back by an incredible force, groaning in pain as my hand rested on my side. The three of us ran deeper into the woods, almost tripping over everything as Clarke was in the same situation. I pulled my hand away from my side, seeing the darkened blood that Clarke had transfused into to save my life.

"I need to stop," I mumbled, breathing heavily as we came to a stop. Madi looked at us worriedly as Clarke uncovered the small hole in the ground.

"Y/N, get in with Madi. There should be a medkit down there somewhere and she can patch you up. I'm gonna lead them away from you guys," she mentioned as Madi was about to disagree when I nodded.

"C'mon, Madi. It'll be okay. Clarke's super strong. She can handle anything," I smiled softly at her as the young girl reluctantly nodded, getting into the hole. I followed her, looking up at the blonde as she covered us up as voiced from ten feet away got closer. "Be safe."


A couple of hours later Madi and I were quietly running through the woods, not having heard from Clarke in a while assuming she was most likely taken. I winced a bit as my side brushed a tree quite roughly, laying a hand on the wound as it was getting darker.

We already escaped the people once, almost leading them into a trap when I heard someone on their radio to stand down. "Clarke told me in the stories that you and Bellamy were close," she muttered as we stopped for a while, sitting against the tree trunk.

A small smile appeared on my lips, playing with my fingers as I nodded. "Yeah, we were pretty close. Best friends basically," I told her, smiling down at the young brunette.

"Best friends? Clarke said you guys were like secret lovers," her eyebrows furrowed together as my eyes widened, clearing my throat.

"O-Oh. I mean, I guess we had that kind of relationship," I mumbled, scratching the back of my neck as I heard the people's radio once again. "Madi, come on."

The two of us crouched, walking quietly through the woods to a clearing, seeing four of the new guards pointing their guns at someone. "Only one of you get to live," one spoke as Madi took her gun out, shooting them all. My lips parted in shock, kind of proud of what Clarke's taught her as she faced the people just out of view.

"Madi!" I spoke at the same time she did, running over to her.

"Bellamy?" My eyebrows furrowed at the name that left her lips, looking to my right to see the man I've been dying to see for six years.

"Y/N?" He breathed, stepping forward slightly as I nodded, a smile coming to my lips. I ran over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Bellamy's arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him as I looked over his shoulder, seeing Harper, Monty, Echo, and Emori.

"I'm so glad to see you guys," I mumbled, my fingers combing through Bell's curls. I pulled away from the older man, moving my fingers down to his cheek, feeling the scruffiness of his beard.

"H-How—Wha—I don't understand..." he muttered, looking down at me.

"How am I alive, you mean?" I asked as he and the rest were curious. "Well, if it weren't for Clarke I'd definitely be dead," I told them, laughing dryly. "Where's Raven and Murphy?" I asked, noticing the two weren't with them.

They all frowned a bit as I swallowed thickly, looking to Bellamy. "They're on the ship we found, the ship where these people came from. We're gonna negotiate with them then they'll come down with the rest of the prisoners."

"O-Oh! Shit, Clarke. We gotta go," I spoke, turning around to face Madi as she motioned for my friends to follow.


Madi was driving the rover as Bellamy sat in the front seat. I sat directly behind him, leaning my head in the middle of the seats as the rest were in the back, sitting quietly. We finally made it to the village we had been staying at, seeing Clarke on the ground with some metal contraption wrapped around her neck as my breath hitched, swallowing thickly.

"When I get out, I want you to drive away," Bellamy told Madi as both our eyebrows furrowed together.

"I'm coming with you," I muttered, ready to open the door when Bellamy turned around to face me.

"No, you need to go with them," he mumbled and I shook my head.

"I'm coming with you, Bellamy," I repeated and he sighed, one of his hands rested on my cheek before dipping down to press his lips to mine. My eyes widened, feeling everyone's eyes on us as I slowly fluttered my eyes shut. It wasn't that long of a kiss as he pulled away from me, clearing his throat before hopping out of the rover. I followed suit, grabbing his hand as he turned to face me. "We're talking about that later," I told him and he nodded, smirking a bit.

Madi backed up, driving off as Bellamy and I took a step forward before guns were aimed at us. I looked up at the curly haired man, gulping.

This isn't gonna end well...

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