A New Start (Part One)

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Author's Note: Hey again! So, these next few fics are set in season 6. If you haven't watched the earlier episodes there will be spoilers for you all. Btw, what do you all think of the new season???


My eyes slowly fluttered open, squinting at the bright light that shines above me. Fingers brush the hair from my forehead and I glance towards the figure standing beside me.

"Hey," a familiar voice whispers as my eyes come into focus. Bellamy smiles down at me and I return it before looking around at the few people who were stretching.

"What's going on?" I whisper while slowly sitting up, draping my legs over the side of the cryo machine.

The smile on his lips falter a bit and holds his hand out. "It'll be better to show you than explain."

I take his hand in mine, hopping down before following him towards the cockpit of the ship. My eyes dart over to him, looking up and admiring his freckled face as we walk in silence. It's a shame we're not together still...

The giant metal doors open as we step inside. Raven, Shaw, Clarke, Echo, Murphy, Emori, Abby, and another guy I've never seen before are also in the room.

"You must be Y/N! I've heard so much about you from mom and dad," the younger guy tells me with a grin on his lips. I glance towards Bell with a confused look on my face before looking back towards the kid. "I'm Jordan."

We shake hands for a few seconds and I begin to voice my question when Clarke cuts me off, "this is Monty and Harper's son."

"What?" I gasped out, eyes widening as I look back towards Jordan. "W-Wait, they weren't in cryo with us?"

Bellamy shakes his head and I can feel the tears come to my eyes. "Play the tape," he mutters towards the blonde.

Clarke fiddles with the computer for a few seconds before a video of Monty comes up. My lip trembles a bit as I step towards the small screen.

"Can you see it? Is it beautiful? It is in my dreams. I hope we do better there. I hope your lives there will be as happy as mine's been," the older Monty on the screen tells us and I can't help the few tears that slip from my eyes. I sniffle a bit before looking forward, seeing what everyone else is looking at. "Be the good guys. May we meet again."

"May we meet again," everyone in the room including me repeats as the transmission turns off. I step around the control panel to get a better view out the window, seeing a gorgeous planet in front of us.

"I know this is a lot to process," Bellamy speaks up as I keep my eyes in front of me. "Take an hour and meet in the mess. We need to game this out."

"Guys," Clarke begins and I glance over at the blonde, "we survived. Monty made sure of it. Now we get our humanity back."

"Some of us never lost it," Raven mutters bitterly before leaving the room, Shaw following behind her.


I sat towards the corner of the room, twiddling my thumbs as I really look over everyone. A few moments go by when the door to the mess hall opens up and Clarke walks through.

"There you are. Checking on Madi?" Monty's son asks as I basically stare at the teen. Tears come to my eyes as I can see both Monty and Harper within him, my heart clenching at the thought of never saying goodbye to them.

"Yeah," the blonde smiles before looking down at the bowls of algae in front of her.

"My dad preserved this for when we woke up. It doesn't taste very good, but it's all I've ever eaten," he tells her and Clarke picks it up before Jordan speaks again. "Your mom's not touching hers."

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