Jealously Angry

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I sat at the campfire, metal cup in my hands as I sipped the moonshine Monty and Jasper made. I grimaced every time I drank the liquid, wondering why I put myself through this when the light from the fire suddenly disappeared. I glanced up, seeing Bellamy standing in front of me as a grin made its way onto my lips. "Hey, there you are. I haven't seen you all day," I told him, picking myself up from the log I was sat upon.

Bellamy smiled, one of his hands propped on the holder of his ax. "Yeah, I was pulled into helping some of the guys with hunting," he mentioned wrapping his free arm around my shoulders. I nuzzled my face into his neck, my hand resting on his lower back.

"When are you going to teach me how to hunt? I want to be able to help," I mumbled into his skin, pulling away from him slightly to look up at him.

He sighed, moving some of the hair from my face before leaning down, pressing a short kiss to my lips. "And I told you that you don't have to worry about it. Our current hunting party is capable of doing it. Plus, you're helping Monty with the radio, aren't you?"

I nodded my head, one of my hands reaching up to comb through his hair. "Yeah, I just... I guess I wanna learn to fight and defend myself. I thought hunting would be a good start since I've never actually killed something before." I felt Bellamy's lips brush my forehead as my other hand slowly trailed up his chest.

"I'll teach you soon, okay? For now, just focus on helping Monty," he stated and I nodded. I leaned on my tippy toes, placing a kiss on his lips. His grip on my waist tightened, feeling eyes on us as I pulled away after a few seconds, glancing over my shoulder to see a couple girls giving me a dirty look. I bit my lip as Bellamy grabbed one of my hands, lacing our fingers together as I thought back to the day the two of us grew closer together.


I stood beside Clarke as she was gathering supplies to go out and find Jasper, needing to bring him back to camp and not leave him for dead... which most of the camp wanted to do. "So, who all is coming?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as she handed the bag to Wells who had just walked up to us.

"Well, we've got Wells, you, and I. But, I'm making Bellamy come with us," she spoke and I groaned a bit, kicking the dirt at my feet.

"Do we have to? I've known him for less than two days and he already gets on my nerves," I mumbled, running a hand through my hair as I recalled to him taking off many of the hundred's wristbands. I subconsciously rubbed my wristband, prepared to bite anyone who'll try.

"Unfortunately, yes. He's the only one who has a gun," Clarke sighed before walking off, striding towards Bellamy and Octavia.

The group that went out to help Jasper consist of Clarke, Wells, Bellamy, Murphy, Finn (who joined a little bit late, but better than never), and lastly me. I glared at Bellamy's back almost the entire walk, rolling my eyes at every sarcastic comment he made.

We finally made it to a clearing, following Jasper's blood which led us to the teen tied to a tree, a poultice on his wound. My eyes widened upon seeing him, dashing towards him immediately not taking in the surroundings to see if there were traps. The others were shouting at me to stop when the ground beneath my feet disappeared, a small shriek leaving my lips as I awaited my death.

A hand grabbed my wrist, hitting my torso against the wooden wall, wincing a bit as I looked up seeing Bellamy crouching above me. His dark brown eyes stared into mine while I breathed heavily, gulping slightly. It took a couple of seconds before he pulled me up, my body colliding with his. "T-Thank you," I whispered, our faces inches from each other as Clarke and Finn ran towards the tree, proceeding to get Jasper down.

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