A New Start (Part Two)

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We found ourselves on a beach while coming out of the forest, where Murphy thought it was a good idea to go for a swim.

I giggle softly, having the itch to join him while everyone else was yelling at him to get out. He dived into the water and I bite my lip softly as we wait for him to come back up. After a few moments he did, everyone around me letting out a breath of relief.

"Well, c'mon guys, the water is fine," Murphy smirks, taking a few steps towards Emori.

Fuck it. I place my bag onto the ground, gaining Bellamy's attention. "Oh, no way," he mutters and lets out a scoff afterward. "Y/N, you're seriously not about to go in there!"

"I am. Why don't you come with me?" I smirk playfully and pull my shirt over my head, exposing the black bra I was wearing. I shimmy my shoes, socks, and pants off, tossing the jeans towards Bell before running into the water.

Murphy already had Emori in the water, hearing her yell at John while punching his chest before letting out a chuckle. I take a dive into the semi-cool water, not knowing the last time I actually went for a swim.

Oh, man. This is amazing. I look towards Bellamy as he stood in between Clarke and Echo, a playful smile on my lips. "C'mon Bellamy," I call out and begin to walk towards him. Echo nudges his arm and I watch as the bearded man glance towards her to which she just wiggles her eyebrows, nodding her head in my direction.

Bellamy takes off his bags, setting them onto the ground before unzipping and removing his coat, the blue shirt he wore coming off next. The others start to set up camp as Bell walks into the water. I meet him halfway, chuckling a bit before splashing him.

"You're crazy for keeping your shoes on," I tell him while laughing, my eyes drifting down his torso.

"Princess," Bellamy smirks and snaps his fingers in front of me face, "my eyes are up here."

"Shut up," I mutter before jumping onto him, trying to get him to go under. Giggles escape both of our lips as we wrestle, his arm wrapped securely around my waist. "Come on!" I laugh loudly, hooking one of my legs behind his and tries to get him on his knees.

I manage to dig my heel into the back of his knee, making him fall into the water. I hold my breath as we stayed under for a few seconds, feeling him unwrap his arm from around me. We pop out of the water at the same time, a victorious smile on my lips as Bellamy shakes his head, wet hair and water flying everywhere.

"You're lucky that you're cute," Bell mutters softly before I realize how close we actually were. My heart flutters, reaching my hands out hesitantly and wraps them around his neck. I can feel his breath hit my lips as I distinctly had my eyes shut, my nails digging into his skin.

The two of us were mere seconds away from kissing when I came to my senses, abruptly pulling away from him. "I-I'm sorry... I can't, I'm sorry," I whisper to him, noticing the hurt in his honey brown eyes before I walk back to shore.


A swarm of bugs... Literally, my worst nightmare has come true. It was alright at first when nighttime hit on Planet Alpha, but it expectantly got worse. Jackson had gone off into the woods for something as the rest of us sat around the fire. Clarke was talking but I wasn't really paying attention as I was lost in my own thoughts about what happened earlier.

"Wait listen," Bellamy starts and I snap my head up, looking around frantically. "You hear that?" He asks.

"What happened to all the bugs?" Echo asks as we begin to stand up. What the hell...?

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