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(I'm doing this over advanced placement summer assignments, so, you better flippin read this)

The place outside the boarhat was now desolate. The town was in absolute ruin, and the people who survived the attack had fled further into the country side. Liz had been placed in bed after the incident and she hadn't moved in days at this point. Meliodas had started to get worried. Merlin had left after the incident to take care of whatever business she had, leaving meli without any answers. Elizabeth slept, breathing mind you, dead. She was cold and pale, probably because she hadn't eaten or drank anything.

This was another one of those solemn days where he just sat at the side on their bed on a small stool that was usually placed underneath the bed side table for aesthetic purposes. It was Elizabeth's idea, even had a lace padded seat. This made meliodas think about her even more, even though she was right there.

Almost just before he began another one of his lizzy dazes, there was a knock on the front door of the boar hat. Which was odd, there was no one in town, and it's a bar, they can just walk in. Meli flew down the stairs and opened the door, hoping for Merlin to be there. But alas, no body in sight. He looked down and there was a box. A very odd box, made of solid wood. It had gold latches for opening and closing and a matching gold safety lock. He picked it up and opened it. All there was, was a bottle filled with clear liquid and a letter. The only words on this letter was, mail.

It's short, I know, it was like, 1am when I wrote this.

Seven Deadly Sins Meliodas X Elizabeth Where stories live. Discover now