Chapter 31

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        "Are we even allowed in there?" Adrain asked with his hands behind his head while I glanced at him and his carefree attitude.

       "Of course, or, rather, I am and said I needed a few helping hands," I shrugged opening the door as they walked in, Alex awkwardly sitting in the corner, the older students glancing at him. 

       "I thought you were dead dude," Adrian smirked while Alex looked at us, relieved to see people he knows. 

       "I was thinking the same thing after..."

       "I got you, mine nearly set my room on fire,"

        "What? You better not have brought that fire chick to our room again- ow ow ow, dude, dude, you're going to break it off!" Watching as Adrain coldly forced Jay's finger backward while he attempted to escape the cruelty.

       "Lilith, why are we were again?" He asked as if he wasn't trying to break someone finger, glancing at those in the room who were staring at us, not everyone but enough to be uncomfortable. 

        "Well, I've got this potion I made and it worked very well for me but when I did an experiment on someone else-"

        "Were they willing?" He cut me off but I ignored him, not even glancing at him.

         "It didn't work, so I did a little more research and found out why, so, I've got to teak it and test it,"

        "Were they willing?" He asked again, brow raised smirk in place while I continued to ignore the question, turning to look at Alex.

        "You don't have a problem with it do you?" He glanced at Adrain, who had both brows raised and a smile in place, practically telling him to get the answer to the question I wasn't answering.

       "... Were they willing?" He asked more unsure and with a sigh, in responce, I smiled and plucked a piece of his hair making him jump.

       "Good, I was a little worried you guys would be against it," Adrian chuckled while Jay stared at me skeptically, all three of them gathering that they didn't even know I had used them to experiment. Dropping the hairs I had previously collected from the other two I pulled out the mostly finished potions from my bag and dropping them in. Stirring them I cooked them before putting them back. 

       "What? That's it? Come on you can't just do that-" Putting my finger up I counted down on the other, the door opening as I put down the last finger, an annoyed fire elite in the doorway.

       "Averin, is there something you'd like?" I asked smiling as I organized the tools I wasn't even using, making him tch as I just blatantly stated I knew he was coming.

       "You know why I'm here," He glared with his jaw clenched while I looked up sweetly.

       "Maybe to burn down the lab? I heard you had a little issue in the dorms," His hands flickered while I raised a brow, "You could really calm down, there are a lot of flammable things in here," I hummed brushing off my uniform as Adrain bite his bottom lip holding in his laughter, Alex sighing at my behavior and Jay staring at me like I was insane.

     "The only flammable things in here I can bet were made by you," He snapped while I tilted my head to the side in mild agreement, walking over to him with my entourage following me. "Give it,"

      "I'm not a dog you know," I pointed out with a raised brow while his jaw ticked.

      "You might as well be one," He growled while I pulled a pleasant smile, fingers brushing the door frame. 

       "Well, then, unfortunately, this dog doesn't know what it is you want, but, I could wag my tail, fetch you a stick maybe," I offered with a crooked grin, pasting past him as Adrain broke, laughing like a maniac, Jay trying to hide his face and Alex just grumbling about how I like to get into trouble. 

     Averin wasn't going to do anything, he couldn't do anything, and I quite hate him. He actively looks down on me every possible opportunity, only treating me half way human when I'm of use or he's ordered. Worst case, he goes and cries about it, and that's not so much my problem as it is his.

        "Now then, while we wait for the main event why don't we head to the magic field?" I offered over my shoulder with a grin, Adrian's arm falling over my shoulder as he smirked.

      "You, my dear, are so much more interesting when plotting something," He grinned while Alex sighed ever louder as if trying to tell me I was insane without saying it.

      "Interesting isn't pissing off an elite Adrian, interesting is breaking the dress code," 

      "Oh but that's so very boring when every so called interesting character fawns all over you for one reason or another," He rolled his eyes while I glanced up at him, noting what he said.

       "That's because birds of a feather flock together dude," Jay said with a sigh, running his hand through his hair seemingly trying to figure out why it was he was willingly following.

       "Oh, my dear friend, did you just call me a delinquent?" Glancing at the carefree boy I took in his uniform, which was in all kinds of disarray.

       "Something tells me he's right," Turning to look at me his grin grew while I raised a brow.

       "Oh you know it,"

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