Assault on Fort Skip Stones Part 2

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As I was clearing them out and keeping a distracted, this is harder than it looks. Not every part of the mech is covered so if one wire is cut or ink is inside the mech then I'm afraid the mech will become unresponsive. Luckily for me, there wasn't that many expose spots on the mech so I wasn't worried. I really hope that Mia finished the mission soon, I want to back to my work station and build something. As I keep finishing groups of enemies, Nova keep marking more enemies and displaying them in my mech visual feed in red outline.

Nova: I spotted four behind the crates and two behind the burning tree to your left.

And with that, they were highlighted in red and were set on fire. I was waiting for Nova to tell me what to do next, but to my surprise, it was something different.

Nova: Max do not be alarm, but I believe that we may have support.

I was confused by her words because the only people who we talk to were Sergi and I highly doubt it he will join us. When Nova highlighted them in green, I was confused on why these inkling or octolings were highlighted as allies.

Max: I don't like where this is going

Nova: Believe me, they are here to assist us.

Max: Nova I don't know where this is going, but I do trust you.

After our little short conversation, My water tank ran-out. When I unclick the lock mechanism, I chuck the empty tank at the flying octarian that been shooting ink bombs and missiles at me. When a new tank been teleported by the wall, I see that some of the are charging at the mech and inking the legs of it. Soon after, they began to disappear in the ink, yet I can still see them. After equipping another tank, I pointed the water gun at where they were hiding and pull the trigger. The ink disappears along with them.

"What did you put in the water" I ask Nova with curiosity while bracing myself for the answer.

"Do not ask questions you aren't prepared to handle the answer to" Nova responded with a smug tone. I just stop looking for the answer and continue with the task at hand. From the corner of my sight, I saw one of my "allies" hiding behind a wall from my view. I just ignored it until a group of enemies appear out of nowhere and surround it. I couldn't ignore it and had to acted fast. I used my hand as a wall to protect it from incoming fire while I used the flamethrower to dispose them. After she regain her composure, she ran to one of the walls and gave me a thumbs up. I just responded by giving a thumbs up and continue doing what I was doing.

Agent Eight POV

"What the hell was that" I can hear Marie sounding all confuse while shooting her sniper from the rooftops.

"It understands me, IT UNDERSTAND ME" I couldn't hold my excitement that not only did it understood me, but it protected me too. Maybe we can become friends. Even so, I have a mission to do. The octarians are beginning to become more aggressive. The leaders are just shouting orders to many of them that are afraid and some just accepted their fate. After when the giant machine ran out of water, I saw many of the octarians are charging at it with knifes and any sharp object. They were planning to cut the expose wires. I needed to repay the kindness it gave me. With my ink loaded up, I began making my own trail to its shoulder's. Since I was at the wall, It didn't take much ink to get on it. The machine is becoming destress as the octarians are climbing the machine legs. It was swiping the ink on its legs with its right hand. Sadly, it had little effect. I began to shout at Marie "We Need To Assist Our Friend Here".

"ARE YOU CRAZY, THEN AGAIN" She was hesitant at first, until she saw that it saved me from being splatted. "I really hope that it doesn't mistake us as a threat" I can tell she was a bit nerves and I don't blame her one wrong mistake and we could be next.

"Novaaa, they're on my mech" I was starting to panic because I saw they were holding knives and some of them were shouting to cut the wires. I swipe them away with my hand but it has little effect. Since the water tank was empty so I was ready to burn them with my flammer until they exploded into a different color. I looked over to my shoulder and I saw it was one of my allies. She was wearing a different battle outfit with metal bars covering vitals spots and a golden hair pin. I also saw another ally keeping her distance while using a sniper-like model weapon. The one with the golden hair pin gave me a thumbs up. I smile and gave a thumbs up with the mech. I just wonder when Mia will hurry up, so we can go home. It's a good thing that Nova gave her an sharpen arm and some explosives, so I knew she was safe. "Now that's out of the way, Mia have found the core and is locating the exit it's a good thing you crafted her the arm and some incendiary grenade." Nova said with a sence of accomplishment. I was confused on what she said by I gave her the items. " umm Nova...I never have Mia the grenades, or the arm...are you sure you didn't made it? " the radio between us went silent before Nova responded. "What has she been doing?"



Howdy everyone, Just wanted let you know sorry for the short chapter. I kinda wanted to make this before the final splat-feast,but I was kinda late. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the event, I know I will.

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