Assault on Fort Skip Stone Part 3

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After I lower the gate for my precious and most acquaint friend Maximax, I was left with no choice to go deeper in the base to look for the core because of a small incident. Nova was telling me which way to go so I don't get lost. There were sometimes where I have to enter the side rooms so the guards can go outside to their deaths. Such a shame that there was a few octarian hiding from the chaos. I couldn't let my cover be blown so I made sure to end it quickly and painlessly. After another group went by to their death, Nova told me I was close to the storage room where the core was being held. I look at the window to see if anything was their because It was too simple that I was getting worry. After making sure that it was clear, I open the door and waited a few seconds before entering. I walk over to the core and I tap it with my pick. Nothing happens. I quickly snatch it from the crate and expected the worst. Nothing happened and honestly, I was let down. Still I got the what we needed. I put the core back on the crate and decided to transport not only the core, but all the crates in the small room as well. When that was done, I told Nova of my accomplishment "Ms. Nova I delivered not only the core, but other things as well."

" I know Mia, I have watch you for the past minute making a fool of yourself".

I would be deeply offended by her words if I cared. "You know, maybe Max need my help. I should go and che"

"MIA... It was a joke. Can you free the prisoner I ask you too?"

Nova must be really worried about the inkling. Knowing her, she might be thinking years ahead of me so it must be important. "Only if you say the magic word." I said in a sarcastic tone with a giant grin on my face. The radio was silent for a moment before Nova responded

"Mia... Please save the prisoner in this complex."

I couldn't help myself laughing to myself for a rare moment Nova requesting help from me. "The magic word was lotion, but I'll do it for my special friend." I can hear Nova talking to herself, but I just tone her out and began to look for the inkling she wanted to free.

After exiting the storage room, I began to look for signs for the prisoner in this maze that filled with enemies. After running down the hallways and making a few turn backs, I found what appears to be the prisoner section. When I was in front of the door, an octarian open the door from the other side. Our eyes lock to each other for what appeared to be a long minute then she slowly closed the door while our eyes were still lock to each other. When I step forward, she began to turn pale and her eyes were showing mix emotions. Almost like the human fight or flight response. She started to bolt away from me at unnatural speeds. I chase after her, knowing it was my only shot, I aim my pick carefully at her and throw it. The pick piece her shoulder but not where I wanted it. When I went to her body to retrieve the pick, I saw the "VIP" in the cell to my right. We both just look at each other until he opens his mouth.

"Hey umm...long time no see?"

I put my pick away on my belt and begin to have a conversation. "I remember you, you almost broke my back." I can see him getting nerves.

" nearly did give me brain damage, so hard feelings... right? So umm...can you help me out?"

I knew that he was getting even more nerves as the conversation continues. "Yea no hard feelings. anyway, tell me why should I let you go? I mean let face it, you and your friends know our existence. How do I know a worldwide manhunt isn't going to happen."

" what do yo-"

I had to cut him off because I know what he was going to say. "Picture me this... Four... It just in that the ancient, or human, or something you called us that have been extinct for God know how long is still alive today. Even more is that it's the last of its kind. Tell me what will happen." The inkling began thinking then it gave me a response in a serious tone.

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