Unexpected allies and Preparations

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Four POV

After I was knockout, I woke up in a freezing room. Both the wall and floor were made out of steal, there was no bed and windows, and the door had a glass that lead to the hallways. I immediately knew that I was in Fort Stone. I wonder if the rumors were real. I knew that both Three and Eight were planning to get me out of this bunker, so I just need to hold out until then. I just hope it really soon, I kind of miss the bed. Maybe I should ask the sisters where they got the bed when I get back.

Time Skip

I was just sitting by the wall just trying to keep my mind in check in this cold, dark, empty room. Guess the rumor were true, your sanity will never leave this place in one piece. However, I am the one who is going to do the impossible. Just then, the door open and I can see the leader along with her troops who attack us walk into the room.

Sinha: Let's start this again, the name is Major Sinha Rouge. State your name and rank inkling.

Four: Do you believe the rumor that ghost are still at the fort?

Sinha: Just great, guess I'll have to give up my free time. Ladies bring him in for interrogation.

They all began to march towards me. As I was about to put up a fight, I saw one of them pointing an octoshot at me. I knew I had no way around this situation, so I just accepted my fate. They tied something to my arm, it was most likely to stop me from turning into a squid. I was being led down the hallway, each room I walk by there was nobody in the room. When we reach the room at the end of a different hallway, one of the octoling open the door and there was a single chair with straps at the center of the room while many of the tools and floor have multiple color on them almost as if it have been used before. They strap me down and all but two left the room. The one with the octoshot walk behind me probably making sure that I don't try to do something while the one in front of me was holding a brush. I can tell that both of them are waiting for me to make a move. At one point the octoling kept poking the back of my head with her finger just to see how I react.

As time went by the door open again, and the leader name Sinha enter the room carrying a tool box. She scans the room while walking around. I can see that the octoling in front of me was getting nerves while the one behind me I can only imagine the same. Sinha stops in front of the door which cause the octoling to be more nerves.

Sinha: Get out, I'll take it from here.

Both the octoling who were guarding me got out of the room as fast as they could while keeping their composure. Sinha close the door and walk around me, she then turns the camera in the corner off then began asking me question.

Sinha: Flowers in the meadow garden during the summer

I was confused on what she said at first until something click in my head.

Four: There is nothing like poppies and roses in the winter

Sinha: Well, I didn't expect members of the Squid beak Splatoon to be here.

Four: So a Queen spy, yet here we are. How is your day going?

I didn't expect to meet a queen spy to be here. Unlike Octavio troops, the Queen is someone who would like to take in a more diplomatic route towards peace. I knew she could be trusted because Cap Cuttlefish actually meet the Queen and told us that her spies will even give up their life before the enemy could get anything out of them.

Sinha: Could be better infiltrating this base is easy but keeping up the act is harder than expected. Anyway, what brings you here?

Four: We got a tip that Octavio is running a base of operation here, so we decided to come over here and check to see if it's true.

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