let's go

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betty smiled "jug... we might get to meet him today" jughead walked over to her shaking his head and smiling "i cannot wait to finally get to hold HER" he emphasized the pronoun as he leaned in to kiss his wife's forehead. betty rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a smile. "do you need anything?" he asked. "can i please have some water?" she asked shyly.  "of course" jughead walked into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water. "here you are, m'lady" he said dramatically extending out his arm. "thank you, sir" she said through giggles "ah!" "betty?" she took a couple deep breathes and leaned forward. "jug, the time" she painted through gritted teeth. he frantically whipped around to see 12:27 on the microwave. "betts, breathe, you're okay" she nodded squeezing her eyes shut as he rubbed his hands up and down the sides of her arms. they stayed like that for about thirty more seconds before betty signed loudly and leaned back to look at her husband. "how long..." she started to ask, still out of breath. "that was only thirteen minutes after the last one" he whispered grabbing her hand. betty nodded knowing what he was thinking and made a motion to stand up. "wait, wait here" jughead stood up and placed a hand on her sounder. she nodded and reclined back. jughead disappeared and came back with a pair of shoes and a coat in his hand as well as on himself. "thank you" betty smiled and slipped them on before reaching out to let jughead hoist her up. "let's go" he said into her ear and pulled back to look at her with nervous and excited eyes. she nodded "let's go" she repeated.

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