so close

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"have you delivered a baby before?" jughead asked jan anxiously. she shook her head "but i have had two of my own" she offered "and i am the best option you two have until the ambulance gets here." jughead nodded knowing she was right and looked down at betty. he was now kneeling next to her and jan was at the end of the bed. "jughead...." betty breathed painfully "i'm sorry." "hey hey hey, juliet" jughead kissed her forehead "you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for; i am the one who should be sorry" "no" she whispered "you are the best husband i could ever ask for" she said, and although she was exhausted and in pain, she smiled for real and reached up to push some of his stray black hair into his beanie. jughead couldn't help but let a tear fall down his cheek just as betty gasped and grabbed the bed sheet in her fists "it's— it's— ah— i— mmmm help help— it hurts— ahhhh" betty whined. "i know, dear" jan put a wrinkly hand on the young girl's knee "i think you should push now" betty nodded but just continued to pant. "betty?" jughead pushed some blonde hair off of her forehead "betty what is it?" he locked eyes with her. "i—i'm— jug, i'm—i'm  scared" she admitted through labored breaths. "betty jones, you are going to be a great mother" he smiled softly looking down at her "you are strong and clever and brave and beautiful, now more than ever, and you can do this" she moaned as he continued "you have kept me calm this entire night even though you literally walked through hell. we have made it through everything from high school to serial killers, and we can make it through this too" "mmm... nghhh" she seemed to be fighting with her body. jughead pulled one of her hands away from the sheets she was gripping and held it in both of his "you can do this, betts" he assured her. she briefly opened her eyes to find his— both swimming with tears. "i love you" she whispered squeezing his hand. "i love you" he kissed her and squeezed back.

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