on foot

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"we are almost there, sweetheart" jughead mumbled as betty leaned forward and panted through another contraction. it was now quarter past one and this was the fourth contraction she had suffered through on the drive. "if we had gone to riverdale..." jughead whispered while betty squeezed his hand that wasn't gripping the wheel. "jughe—ahhhh" she moaned. "never mind." he cut in "there is nothing we can do now." he didn't mean to snap at her; he just wanted her to be safe. "i" betty panted "love you" she sighed "jug." he gave her hand a comforting squeeze. "i am hurrying" he promised and watched her nod out of the corner of his eye. "probably like fifteen more minutes, babe" he assured her pushing the speed limit far past anything he had dared to before. she nodded again, still not saying anything or opening her eyes. "i am so sorry..." jughead muttered bringing his hand up to rub his fingers through her hair which was already tied back in her signature blonde pony tail. "jug, i am okay" she said as convincingly as she could "it doesn't hurt that—" BANG!!! "FUCK!" jughead yelled quickly steering the car to the shoulder of the highway. "jug..." betty started nervously. "no, it's okay— i have a spare— i can change it really quickly i promise" he said quickly turning off the car and jumping out of the driver's seat. betty nodded and took a deep breath "it's okay; we have time... it's okay" she said to herself more than to her husband who was already opening the trunk. she heard shuffling and clanging and grunts coming from the back of the car, but soon pain stole her attention. "ah!" she couldn't help but let out as she gritted her teeth. she squinted her eyes open to read 1:56 on the clock before throwing her head back. suddenly the door she was leaning against flew open, and she yelled in surprise "it's me— it's just me— i got you" jughead reaches across her and unbuckled her seatbelt. betty immediately leans forward and wraps her arms around jughead's middle. "you're okay... you're okay..." he repeats as he rubs her back and encourages her to take deep breathes. she simply nods as she tried not to yell out so she doesn't make jughead more worried than he already is. he feels her relax slightly and kneels down as she sits back against the seat breathing heavily. "betts, listen. the spare is rusted into the bottom of the car; i can't get it out." she doesn't say anything and nods slowly "there is an exit about a mile up the road from here— let me run and get someone to help—" "an ambulance?" she questions "no service" he mumbles. she pulls out her phone conforming his words and nods. "jug, you can't leave me...?" she almost sounds like she is asking a question rather than giving a demand. he sighs "betty, i can't have you walking that far." she shakes her head "jug please" she looks up at him with tears in her eyes, clearly terrified. "the contractions are still around ten minutes apart" she argues. jughead pauses as if contemplating the best option. betty doesn't wait for him to answer though; she pushes off of the seat and stands up grabbing jughead to steady herself. "betty..." jughead protests looking in the directions they have to go "...if you just let me run and—" "no, jug." she said firmly. "no i am not staying in the car alone." he nods knowing it's not worth arguing; they don't have that kind of time to waste. "okay but you have to tell me if it gets to be too much" he warns and she agrees. betty pushes the door closed and grabs her husband's arm. "are you—" "i'm okay" she assures him although she doesn't think it really does much to lower his heart rate. the two begin walking but almost immediately betty stops cold and gasps. jughead whips around when her hand leaves his arm "betty?? are you okay? what is it?" she looks down, and, in the dim light of the streetlights, he can see wetness soaking through her grey joggers. "betty, did your water just break?" he asks even though he already knows the answer. all she can do is look up and nod. "jug—" she leans forward and nearly falls into him. "jug—mmmmmm" she moans hurrying her head into his shoulder and gripping the sides of his arms. "breathe, betty, breathe" he says quickly, tightly wrapping his arms around her. "mmm... ahhh... it— it—" she stutters. "shh..." he holds her head to his chest "you're okay... you're okay..." he says over and over until she finally relaxes and sighs. "jug..." she leans back to look at him still slightly panting "juggie, we have to go." he nods taking her hand and all but pulls her along the gravel.

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