Chapter 11.........

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3ed person P.O.V

"Because I..."
You wait for his response...
"Never mind..."
You nod your head, you are dying to hear what he was going to say but you shut your mouth and sit down looking out the window at all your friends.
The voices trail off as the train starts moving and you kiss inkopolis goodbye.
"Soooo, can I maybe give you a cute nickname?"
You glance over and look at Aloha who is smiling but looks sorta upset.
"Sure! Why not?"
"Okay... hummmmm, your name is... TOAST!"
You laugh and wrap your arm around his neck and he grabs you pulling you into a nice hug. His firm grasp keeps you close and you feel very safe as you close your eyes and sigh. He eventually lets go of you and you feel sad as the safe feeling he gave you instantly disappeared.
"Hey Toast?"
"Yes Aloha?"
"Ummm where are you going to stay?"
"At my house duh!"
"Why not?"
"They were the reason you wanted to kill your self right?"
His fun happy expression fades away into a serious cold stare.
"Y-yah... but where would I go..."
"We can go camping..."
"I-I don't know..."
"If I come back late they... abuse me..."
"What do they do to you Toast?..."
"I-I can't say..."
"If I tell they will hurt me more than they already do..."
"I'll keep you safe..."
He pulls you into a hug and tears run down your face as you close your eyes and regret not getting a one way ticket. You get that safe feeling that you always got around Aloha.
"When am I going to work up the courage to tell him?"
You think as you glance up at him, he looks like he has no reason to let you go from his arms. You sink into the safety of his grasp and close your eyes as you gently drift off to sleep.
You wake up to Aloha shaking you awake, he smiles as he grabs your arm and stands up.
"You can take my hand you know..."
You say avoiding eye contact.
"Okay sweets~🎶"
He grabs your hand and kisses you on the cheek, you turn a light (I/c) and do nothing to hide it.
"Are you blushing?"
He grabs your waist and pulls you towards him, you place a swift arm around him and walk towards a near taxi.
The taxi driver squiles as she glances at him.
"Yup that's me!"
"Wow omg!! Your girlfriend is sooo lucky!!"
"Yah! The octoling!"
"Oh- yah she is- uhhhh- yah she is very lucky!"
You suddenly jump a bit from this response and turn a nice light (I/c).
"How did you meet?"
"Funny story actually... her friend brought her into town and I met her! She was by far the most gorgeous thing I have ever laid my eyes on!"
You can't stop blushing and Aloha pokes you.
"Is she shy?"
"No not really, she is just, self conscious about being an octoling that's all."
"Ah... so how long have you been dating?"
"Not long actually... about 1-2 weeks maybe."
"Wow! I hope you stay together! You make a SUPER CUTE couple!"
"Oh we should!"
You have a continuous giant blush on your face and a big dorky smile placed on as well.
"Soooo where to anyway?"
"Can we go tooooo..."
Aloha scrolls through his squid phone...
"Calamari camp?"
"Yup! Be there sooner than you can say, splatted skulls squad!"
You drive and Aloha keeps his hand around your waist.
"Why is he doing this?! He is saying I'm his girlfriend and he's my BOYFRIEND! Is he just doing this to make a cute girl inkling jealous?! Or does he actually like me?! I don't know AUGH! How do I tell him!? Where do I tell him?!? WHEN DO I TELL HIM?!?!"
Your mind raises as you pull up to the camp, you get out and Aloha is right behind you.
"Can I take a selfie with you two before you leave?"
"Of corse!"
Aloha says grabbing your hand and adjusting his visor. He grabs the inklings phone and takes a great selfie than hands it back to her.
"No problem!"
He tips her and she drives off.
"Why are we here?"
"Your not going back to your home. Until we get you back to inkopolis you stay here with me."
He pulls out a tent and finds a good spot to set up where he builds the tent as you collect firewood. It starts to get dark so you build the fire, eat, and head inside the tent.
"I'm coming Toast!"
Aloha crawls into the tent and lays down beside you wrapping his arm around you.
"I'm sorry I forgot blankets sweets~🎶"
"It's okay!"
You cuddle up with him and drift off to sleep,
But you wake up to the sound of screaming...

Cliffhangers... cliffhangers...
torture for you...
Is Aloha dead?
Are YOU dead?
Who screamed?
Is it your parents?
Did anyone die?
Was it all a dream?
Will you tell Aloha how you feel?
Will he tell you?
So many unanswered questions
So little chapters
So little time to write the chapters
I have camp soon...
That means no new chapters for a week!! :(
Oh well...
But that's just the cliffhanger...
P.s don't kill me Toni_sm3 😝

Hidden in a wall of ink  (Aloha x reader) (COMPLETE + REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now