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❤️Mature content❗️❗️

❤️Mature Lauguage❗️❗️

❤️Contains grammatical errors. Has not been edited.

❤️All photos came from Google.

❤️The story is completely made up, a fiction of my imagination. 😅🙂

Fair ❌❗️WARNING ❗️❌it might just suck because it's my first time posting any of my stories. 🙂 Be gentle...😉

Thank you for giving it a chance. I appreciate it.


~Silver Hartwell P.O.V

One of my favourite quotes by William Shakespeare;

I'll love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold And the stars grow old.

Beautiful isn't it? Those were the days when love meant something now it's more of a mental disease which I have fallen victim too. My good-for-nothing, scum bag of a boyfriend slept with my little sister. I know, what a cliche/ dick move.

Let me give you a brief recap of that faithfull day. I woke up after an awesome night sleep with a goofy grin on my face, yawned, stretched and checked my phone. Why a goofy grin you may ask? I was in love. Hopelessly and completely in love. A lovesick fool. Yep, that's me. He was a complete gentleman, opening doors, pulling chairs out, helping me with my coat, compliments, etc. You might think he's compensating for other things, sadly no. He was hot, like pantie dropping hot. Blonde hair, gorgeous grey eyes, Strong jawline; the idiot even had a six-pack. He had a lean body and packing if you know what I mean. Oh, and successful, of course. Yep, the buffoon was perfect husband father material. Every girl's dream. The world was made up of flowers, chocolates, rainbows even a god damn unicorn. Anyways, getting off track. So like I said I checked my phone:

2 new message 8:04 am

Eric: Good morning beautiful! can't wait to see you tonight.
Eric: I love you, angel😘😘❤️

Me: good morning handsome! Can't wait either.
Me: I love you too 😘❤️❤️😍

Shower, got dress and off to work.

2message 12:30 pm

Eric: hey gorgeous. I miss you! Work sucks.😫 wish I was in bed with you👅.
Eric: Heading out to lunch with the guys. Can't wait to see you, baby. I love you 😘

Me: I miss you too. Work sucks too. I hate people😔. Have fun with the guys, say hi for me. I wish you were 🍆🍆.
Me: me too!!. Love you 😘😘

1 message 2:01 pm

Eric: hey baby so... I have to reschedule tonight something came up at work. Working late. Love you. Me: it's ok I understand. Love you too.

Nothing seems strange right? That's what I thought too. We've been dating for five months, seventeen days, ten hours, four minutes and seven seconds and not once had he had to work late. Ema convinced me to surprise him. I'll tell you about her later. So I did. I wore the sluttiest dress I own. Which wasn't as provocative as I liked. My closet is very modest for my age. I got us dinner and a six-pack. I let my self in with the spare key he gave me on our three-months anniversary. That's when I heard it, a banging sound coming from the bedroom. The bedboard banging against the wall. The closer I got I heard moaning and grunting sounds. I push the door open and there they were. My whore of a sister riding him a like a wild bull. When she saw me all she did was smirk and continued like I wasn't even there. Of course, my douche of a boyfriend took a few seconds to notice me. The look of regret and remorse filled his beautiful grey eyes.

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