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Vitani walked beside Kierra on the street, watching as people evacuated. Their names were whispered in fear, a bald man approaching slowly.

"Is it true you were with the straw hat crew and were involved in the attempted assassination of Iceberg-San?" He asked. The street fell silent. Vitani balled her fist.

Kierra's tail lashed as Vitani grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

"You people are so hardheaded." She snapped. "We were never involved in the assassination attempt! My captain would never harm someone who's shown respect towards him."

She let the man go and stepped back.

Kierra grabbed his ear and tugged it, her other hand on her on her hip. "Why are the streets being evacuated, huh?"

"Aqua Laguana."  He spat.

"Aqua Laguana?" Vitani questioned.

"Every year a large wave hits the city, we evacuate to higher ground. Please let him go." A woman wept. Kierra released him and stepped back as he coughed.

"You Opavian rats! You monsters belong in Hell." Vitani kicked him back and rolled him over, pinning a knife to his neck.

"Vitani!" Kierra yelled.

Screams broke out, a child bursting through the crowd. He tugged on her tail desperately.

"Please don't hurt him!" The boy sobbed, Vitani barely flinching. "Please!"

She glared down at him, slowly easing off of him. She stood, turning her back to them. She whistled sharply, Zeze and Eos leaping down from the bridge. Vitani boarded Zeze, Kierra doing the same with Eos before sprinting off.

By nighttime they had evacuated the city completely. Vitani and Kierra sat on a rooftop, staring forward. The wind blew gently against them, Vitani closing her eyes and standing.

"Come on." She murmured. "Zeze and Eos stay here. We'll be back."

"Where are we going?" Kierra asked.

"If Robin really did attempt to murder this guy, we need to find her. And i bet she's somewhere over there." She pointed to the large building where families were being sanctioned from the giant wave.

Before Kierra could give a response, an explosion set off infront of the building. Bodies flew back at the force, Kierra gasping.

"Let's go!" Vitani yelled. They leapt down, sprinting for the door to the building.

"It's them!" A man yelled, Vitani grabbed Kierra as a bullet shot for her.

"What the hell, They're shooting at us?!"

"Yeah, they think we're the enemy, remember?" Vitani reminded her. Kierra threw up a wall that caved over them, creating a tunnel.

"Let's go!" She continued forward, only dropping the wall once they were inside.

Vitani flipped back to dodge a sword, placing her hands up. A group of men wielding weapons stood before the sisters, teeth gritted. She panted, Kierra freezing beside her.

"Let's fuse." Vitani suggested softly as Kierra drew her knives.

"No!" She snapped, slamming the blunt end into a neck. She kicked the men away as Vitani appeared on the stairs.

Kierra kicked dirt into a man's face before leaping off his shoulders to land beside her sister. They rushed up the stairs, looking back to see a masked woman chasing after them.

Kierra turned and kicked her back, Vitani grabbing her bow. She drew the string and fired, the arrow piercing the cloth of the woman's shirt and pinning her to the wall.

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