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kierra pulled vitani back into the kitchen, closing the door gently behind her.

"do you think it could be him?" she whispered eagerly as vitani stared up at the wall.

"no way, it can't be oboiye." she hummed. "but the only person i know with the ability to steal shadows is" she turned to her sister. "gecko moria."

"the warlord? what the hell would he doing out here?"

"beats me, but if it isn't oboiye then it has to be him."

"do you think we should call him?" vitani hummed. kierra opened her mouth to speak but froze suddenly, narrowing  her eyes. vitani sniffed the air softly before turning back to kierra.

"guess we aren't alone."

kierra grabbed a bag of lose spices and threw it towards the steps, the powder erupting in the invisible man's face. he coughed violently, as vitani shot forward. she slammed her dagger into his cloak as he moved, throwing her back. kierra leapt over vitani, watching him flee up the steps.

"hey!" she called, glancing back at vitani who was quickly recovering. they ran up to the deck, the other straw hats staring at them in confusion.

"what's going on with you two?" nami fretted as vitani was kicked back. she stumbled to the edge of the ship, kierra's body being dragged back.

they watched in confusion as vitani swiped the air, her leg being thrown up so she leaned over the rail and fell back.

"Vitani!" she cried, robin crossing her arms. kierra lifted a rock in the sea, robin's hands extending to catch her. vitani reached for the necklace around her neck as he pulled it, shaking her. she coughed desperately, kierra leaping down. she kicked the man back, tossing the whistle up. the man punched her, zeze and eos roaring from the ship.

"luffy!" vitani cried, dangling off the rock. "blow it!"

luffy inspected the whistle before inhaling, blowing to create a high pitched sound. kierra panted on the rock as she was kicked back into the ocean, vitani gritting her teeth.

"zeze!" she yelled before rolling back and submerging herself in the water.

"vitani!" zoro yelled, gripping the rail.

"kierra!" chopper sobbed, watching the waters rage as they completely disappeared.

vitani's eyes slowly opened to find herself on the cool ground, submerged in between two large walls. kierra sat up beside her and rubbed her head, looking around.

"where are we?" kierra moaned, vitani staring forward. the large cerberus crept around the corner, growling softly.

kierra awed it, beaming.

"woah, looking Vitani. we're literally in hell!" she laughed. the cerberus barked and charged forward, neither of them seeming to be fazed as eos landed behind them. she roared, the cerberus stopping. he turned to see zeze land behind him, growling.

it whined and laid down, zeze snarling softly in his ear as she stepped over him. vitani leapt up onto her back and followed kierra around the entrance until they made it to stairs.

"so this is Thriller Bark? the pirate ship?" kierra asked as vitani nodded.

"yep. we need to stay careful since we know gecko moria's here. although he worked with dad, you know they were never too fond of one another. and we don't know how long it will take for reinforcements to get here so w-"

naomi appeared before them in a flash, zeze and eos pausing. she panted, steam billowing from her body as her paints gleamed.

"princesses." she bowed. "how can i" she breathed. "help?"

"we need oboiye. as soon as possible. is he available?" vitani spoke, glancing around uneasily.

"yes, kendrick has already sent him on his way and he should be arriving soon. he sent his shadow for further assistance until he arrives." the shadow separated from naomi's and waved. it pushed the shadow of vitani's forehead, in turn pushing her.

"is there anyone else you need to join you all?" naomi asked. they shared a thoughtful look, glancing around.

"marco." kierra answered as naomi nodded.

"i'll send him as soon as possible. stay safe, may kaya's will be with you two." she bowed before disappearing again, kierra sighing.

"what are we supposed to do with oboiye's shadow..." she muttered, looking down as it crossed it's arms and kicked her. she yowled, stomping it angrily although it had no effect on him.

zeze growled, staring forward at the large cemetery before them. vitani grabbed kierra to draw her attention towards the cemetery as men erupted from the ground. half of their faces were sewn on, along with other body parts.

"zombies?" vitani scoffed. "what the hell is this place?! why the hell are we here?!" she marched forward as kierra stepped infront of her.

"hey it's my turn!"

"your turn?!" vitani leaned back.

"to kill the bad guys! you always just do it and never give me the damn chance so it's my turn!"

"every time i give you the chance, I end up helping anyways!" vitani snapped as the zombies glanced at one another unsurely. oboiye's shadow rubbed his temples and sighed.

"shoot for it!" kierra snapped, pulling out her dagger. "sharp or dull."

she tossed it up into the air so it disappeared, stepping back and crossing her arms. she waited as it neared, beaming.

"dull." vitani called as it landed on the handle, bouncing before rolling on its side.

"damnit!" kierra screeched as vitani cracked her knuckles. kierra watched from eos' back, arms crossed.

her fist crackled in electricity, slamming it onto the ground so it pulsated and stunned them. she calmly walked back to zeze and leapt up, leading kierra on.

a small carriage pulled up beside kierra after a few moments of silence, opening to reveal a small man with bat wings.

"my my, what a long way you two have traveled. may i offer you a ride to-"

"no thanks pal." kierra muttered, irritated as she stared forward.

"no, i insist-"

"i said no thanks!" she roared, lifting her leg and kicking him back. he slammed into a tree, kierra sitting back down comfortably. oboiye's shadow blinked from where he rode behind her.

"don't you think that was a bit rash?" vitani hummed.

"shut the hell up."

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