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kierra turned at faint grunts of struggle, looking over at the rest of the Phoenix Pirates pulling the rope attached to their ship desperately.

"it must be the penguins." vitani murmured, kierra running off towards them.

"need some help?" she beamed, digging her feet into the ice. she gave the rope a pull, the ship shooting forward away from the penguins.

"thank you." one of the men breathed, kierra offering a cheeky smile.

"oh it was nothin'." she shooed him away, looking up at a faint gasp.

"oh no! they're headed for straw hats ship!" another man announced as kierra gave a smirk. she inhaled and whistled sharply, a few seconds of silence following. there were two faint splashes, the penguins immediately fleeing back towards the ice.

zeze broke the surface with a roar, kierra grinning. the straw hats fled past her, zoro grabbing vitani's arm.

"come on!" he yelled, vitani scoffing.

"hey!" luffy yelled, chasing after them as zoro dragged her on. he helped her and kierra onto the ship as luffy joined, looking up at their jolly roger.

"what?" he murmured. "i guess that stupid guy lied. sorry i ever doubted you guys."

kierra and vitani exchanged a glance before beaming innocently, luffy laughing as the straw hats shooed him off.

"don quiz te lan loco ma cox za? (how did they get it back?)" kierra beamed, glancing to vitani.

"dy qua." (no clue.) she smiled back. luffy departed into his quarters as kierra squatted before eos.

"you chased those penguins off didn't you? yes you did, yes you did." she smiled, rubbing the rekran's cheeks.

"i hope naomi's doing well." vitani admitted, looking up at the sky.

"she's fine." kierra rose, proudly beaming. "i saw her earlier."


"well while you" she poked her chest "were sleeping, franky fired this big blast that shot us into the sky and we were just below kendrick's fleets. and she looked down and waved at me."

"is that so?" vitani hummed. kierra nodded confidently as vitani flicked her forehead.

"how rude!" she scowled. "you didn't think to wake me up?!"

"ow!" kierra howled. "if i had tried you would have just yelled at me and smacked me- like you just did!"

"not true!" vitani huffed.

"yes it is!" kierra snapped.

"you two really should stay awake when we're handling things." usopp suggested. "you always end up missing important things."

"yeah but we always wake up just in time." vitani shrugged.

"besides, if we were to be out when you meet new people, everyone would just freak out and be like- oh my god, kierra!"

"and vitani." vitani added dryly.

"no, no, just me." kierra assured her.

"they do have a point." nami hummed.

"yeah, just don't forget you're apart of this crew too." zoro hummed.

"don't forget you're apart of this crew" kierra mocked him. "shut your ass up!"

"what'd you say?!" zoro yelled.

"you heard me!" she snapped back. "how the hell could we forget we're apart of this crew, everytime i see you're ugly face i'm reminded."

"shut up!" zoro snapped.

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