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vitani woke as her shadow returned to her, looking up to see oboiye. he held his bleeding head gently, guiding the shadows back to their bodies.

"oboiye." she breathed. he glanced down and offered a smirk.

"glad to see you're okay." he murmured. kierra rose on the opposite side of him, gasping for air.

"what the hell did i miss?!" she gasped to catch her breath.

"your captain is pretty strong." marco commented as he limped over. he collapsed in exhaustion, eos licking his cheek.

"he took down oars?" kierra turned as he nodded.

"you two missed one hell of a fight." they looked up as the men surrounded luffy. oars slowly rose behind them, knocking away the lose shadows. zoro rose and stood before oars, vitani gritting her teeth.

"hey, zoro take it easy." kierra called sarcastically. she rose beside vitani who stretched. luffy rose as well, kierra looking over at brook as oars began to rise.

"geez, thought you said they took care of him." kierra sighed.

"let's take him down." vitani smirked.

"everyone's up and ready for the next round." nami beamed.

"take it easy, brother." kierra called as she ran forward. brook carried usopp up robin's arm hands, nami creating a rain cloud as zoro threw vitani up. she shocked the wet oars, kierra holding him down with rock cuffs as franky and usopp began to freeze his body.

"yeah!" kierra beamed. oboiye held his shadow to keep him still as sanji slammed a chain around his neck. brook threw luffy down, oboiye watching in awe as he shifted into third gear.

zoro sliced his stomach as sanji pulled the chain back and held him straight.

"kill him!" vitani screamed, luffy slamming his fist into oars. he collapsed, vitani smirking. she picked up the shrunken luffy, cradling him gently. she looked up as the sun slowly rose, kierra turning to oboiye.


"right." he nodded, moria erupting from oars' body.

"no need." he glanced at oboiye. "i'm awake."

"so let the shadows go." marco snapped as he laughed. luffy growled in vitani's arms.

"give back those shadows before the sun comes up!" he yelled.

moria absorbed the loose shadows into his body, molding into a large creature. oboiye narrowed his eyes.

"i'm sick of this shit." he snapped and stood. luffy stretched back to normal and stood, vitani panting beside him.

"you gotta plan?" she whispered. moria screeched, kierra humming.

"you think if i make him puke they'll come up?" kierra whispered. she leapt out the way as he slammed his fist into the ground. it split in half, sunlight peeking over the walls of broken buildings. the straw hats stared in silence, kierra creating rock gauntlets. she cracked her knuckles and sighed, stepping back.

she flew forward and landed a punch in his gut, moria screeching. vitani followed with a kick, moria spewing out shadows. oboiye urged them on as luffy, vitani, and kierra landed numerous hits on his body.

"keep it up!" oboiye yelled as marco yelped. his bats closed around luffy and trapped him, moria slamming his fist into it.

oboiye smirked as he sunk out of the ground, luffy on his back unharmed. he set him down, watching moria stomp and crush the black box the bats had molded into.

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