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"now. our next two auctions are some very special guest. from the mysterious grounds of Opavia, the youngest daughter of the Warlord T'Kai himself. Kierra." she walked out, throwing up a hand to block out the light as cheers erupted from the stands.

"k-kierra?!" sanji whispered from the back of the crowd. "how did they-"

"what do we do now?!" chopper fretted as nami gritted her teeth.

"she will certainly serve purposeful with her strong legs and her ability to control earth. or, she can just be used as eye candy for some. now, i think the starting bid would be a-"

"300,000,000." kierra turned and stared down at a snot-nosed man. she scoffed in disgust.

"don't sell me to that fat-snotty nosed man." she gritted.

"that is a celestial." disco warmed softly. "learn some respect."

a woman threw up an opposing bid, kierra sighing in relief.

"sold to number 67 for 500,000,000." the man announced after a few minutes. she looked up to spot a woman, beaming excitedly.

"oh kaya's will." she breathed as she was escorted off the stage.

"next up, we have another grand guest. also from the land of opavian, the lightning goddess and eldest daughter of t'kai. vitani."

the room fell silent as she walked forward quietly, looking around. she stopped and blinked as the room erupted in cheers, disco grinning.

"so we can start the bids at-"

"400,000,000." she looked back as law raised his hand, grinning.

"o-okay, is there any-"

"500,000,000." kid yelled, glaring at law.

"550,000,000." he snapped back.

"600,000,000." kid yelled, the hall falling silent. vitani hummed.

"700,000,000." law stated. kid scowled and turned, vitani narrowing her eyes.

"sold to 42 for 700,000,000 berries." vitani was escorted off the stage as kierra gritted her teeth.

"told you." vitani smiled. they looked up as camie was brought out, vitani and kierra listening as they bid on her. luffy suddenly crashed through the building on a flying fishman, vitani and kierra peeking around the corner. she watched as hatchin was shot by the celestial Charloss, taunting and mocking him before being silenced by luffy with a single punch.

"that's our que." vitani squeezed the collar until it popped, tossing it out into the crowd so it exploded. kierra did the same, the pair stepping out. kierra popped her neck and gave a wicked grin.

"luffy, the marine's gonna be on our asses now ya know." she yelled.

"who cares!" he roared, vitani ducking to dodge a punch. she grabbed his arm and flipped him over her back so he landed on the ground with a thud before kicking his face. kierra gave a sharp whistle as her rekran ran in, followed by brook, robin and usopp who crashed in on fishermen.

vitani leapt down and sprinted forward, tackling a knight behind usopp. she turned as the celestial woman towered over camie's exposed tank with a gun, gritting her teeth.

"this is unforgivable." she snapped, turning and shooting disco as he attempted to stop her. she turned back to camie, kierra gritting her teeth as she clocked the gun. vitani disappeared, only to stop when the woman suddenly collapsed.

she looked up as the giant broke through the walls, following the old man from earlier. kierra gritted her teeth, vitani smirking.

"rayleigh." she whispered. he hummed, looking around at the remaining knights.

"hatchin? is that you? it is!" he beamed.

"rayleigh, the coatsman?" chopper pondered as kierra nodded.

"what happened to you?" he turned to hatchin as he opened his mouth to speak, rayleigh beating him to it. "don't worry. you guys must have helped him... in that case." the remaining men collapsed, vitani grinning at his haki power.

"rayleigh." she breathed as he turned.

"ah, vitani. kierra. it's been a while."
he ran his hand over kierra's head affectionately. "now. this must be him. you've caused quite the scene. i've wanted to talk to you for so long. monkey d luffy."

vitani looked up at law, narrowing her eyes as he smirked.

"what the hell's up with you?" she approached him, passing luffy. "why'd you bid so much for me?"

he smirked, kid scoffing from a few steps up.

"vitani huh? i imagined you'd be taller." she gritted her teeth, disappearing and reappearing to punch him. he caught her fist, vitani glaring up at him as he grinned. she suddenly kneed him between his legs, dropping her fist as he gritted his teeth.

"you didn't actually think i'd pay 700,000,000 berries for you, did you?" law mused. "i ain't paying over your bounty for ya."

"well why the hell didn't you bid on me?!" kierra snapped as he laughed and stood.

"no hard feelings." he smirked at her as he passed. luffy, kid and law left outside as rayleigh helped hatchin onto his back.

"we should probably get moving." zoro hummed.

"yeah. we should separate though. and meet up at grove 13." vitani looked up as they all nodded. she trailed the rest of the straw hats outside, standing inbetween law and kid's crew before they separated. the marines aimed for the straw hats as kierra turned, kicking up a rock wall.

"kick rocks!" she beamed as sanji dragged her on. as they joined the flying fishmen again, kierra and vitani leapt onto their rekran.

"we'll meet you all there, don't worry!" vitani yelled.

"no!" zoro stammered, vitani staring at him. "vitani come-"

"zoro we don't have time!" vitani interrupted. he stared up at her and shook his head.

"get on the fish!"

"i'll meet up with you all!" she insisted, zoro gritting his teeth. "i promise."

"stay safe!" nami waved as their fish shot off. zeze leapt out the way to dodge a bullet, looking back at the marines and roaring.

"geez." kierra huffed. vitani fired an arrow through one's chest before zeze turned and sprinted off.

through their run there were various explosions in each directions, vitani gritting her teeth as she paused at the edge of a broken bridge.

"we need to hurry. i can sense great power up ahead." kierra gritted.

"i know, i can't figure out where the hell we are." vitani stressed, looking back at a sudden beam far off. she turned, sprinting towards the direction.


"that's luffy, i can feel it!" she yelled.

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