Chapter 1

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Last call!" I shouted, for now the second time and definitely not the last time of the night. I glanced at the clock on the wall, 2:37 a.m, and let out a very obvious sigh that not a soul was bothered by. This was no different from any other night at Alfie's, the pub I worked at. It was the only place open till 2:00 a.m, not that the uni kids left at 2:00 a.m. I didn't hate uni kids, I was one myself. It's just I wasn't supposed to work tonight but my friend, Deaky, asked me to cover for him. He just joined a band and had his first gig with them tonight. He is incredibly passionate about playing bass, how could I say no? We've been friends for longer than we haven't, he can get me to do anything by saying three words. "Liv, Liv, Livia!". He never called me by my real name, which is Olivia. But I never minded. So, that's how I ended up here, closing the pub down for the 4th night in a row.

It's now 3 a.m and the pub is empty except for Deaky's two roommates, Ben and Joe. They offered to help close down the pub and walk me home after they got done at Deakys gig. Or maybe Deaky forced them, I never know with him. I bonded with them instantly. They have recently started dating and were so in love it could make a person sick. They took a break from the bottle of tequila and whispering sweet nothings to each to help me. "Olivia, take a shot love. You're way too sober." Joe slurred each word and put his arm around me. I took a swig and then three more. "Thanks for covering for Deaks tonight. The show was a blast. You gotta come to the next gig!" Ben shouted has he wiped down the tables. He was the only one cleaning at this point. Joe and I had stopped to sing and dance to the Stones while passing the bottle back and fourth. "Did you take any pictures?" I asked. I gave them my Polaroid camera to document the first gig with the new band. I've always been Deakys biggest fan and he loved it.

"My Benny Bear took loads of amazing pictures. Take a look!" Joe screamed at me while Ben smiled from ear to ear. Ben will never admit it, but he loves that nickname. Ben handed me the film. Joe wasn't lying, these pictures were crazy good. Ben explained to me who was in the band since I had no clue. The bands name is Queen. Freddie is their lead singer, I have heard of him around uni but never met him. Joe said his voice was the best he's heard. The guitarist is Brian. Ben called him a poodled haired genius. Deaky on bass, obviously. Roger is their drummer and singer. Ben and Joe raved about how talented he was. But all I could think about was how sexy he looked drumming. I continued to flip through the photos, while Ben and Joe talked about the after party of the gig and meeting the band. My eyes were drawn to Roger in every picture I looked at, he's incredibly fit. His blonde hair and blue eyes were mesmerizing. It must've been obvious that I thought he was good looking.

"I told the boys of Queen to finish their after show pub hop here at Alfie's. So maybe you could meet Roger. He's single, ya know!" Joe said with a grin and a wink.

"You should go for him! The four of us could all double date. Do it" Ben shouted at me even though I was a foot away from him. I took another swig from the bottle and stood up on my chair.

"I'm glad you two have found each other but not everything is a fairy tale. Roger is fit and talented and according to you both, he's on track to becoming a rock star. Besides it's 3:40 a.m, I'm positive they aren't coming. So I don't have to worry about Roger & his fit body that I would love to touch. So let's close the pub down and head home." I said to the boys. It made more sense in my head but I'm kinda drunk. I heard the back door fly open, followed by a mans voice.

"The four young Queens have arrived. Listen lovies, no one is going home yet" Freddie shouted to us three while holding champagne.

Followed behind Freddie was Brian, Deaky, and of course, Roger. Ben and Joe both stared at me and back at Roger. It was a moment that lasted forever but thankfully end when Freddie poured champagne, turned the jukebox on and started singing along with it. Roger walked over to me, gave me his hand and said, "you can stay up there if you want, but Fred's starting a party down here". I took his hand and he grabbed me by the waist to help me down. The entire four second journey down, I was lost in his eyes. For fucks sake, I'm not falling for a drummer in a rock'n'roll band.

The Drummer in a Rock 'n'  Roll BandWhere stories live. Discover now