Chapter 10

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*3 Weeks Later*
The boys had finished recording their first record, Queen. Today they leave for their European tour, which lasts 6 months. Roger and I were spending as much time together as we could. Rogers still upset I can't go and honestly so am I. I already have my dates picked put for what shows I'm going to. Veronica, Jim and I would all travel together. Jim is staying with me at the flat so I won't be alone and Veronica said she'd be over all the time. We've become so close because we understand what it's like dating someone in a band. Veronica and I used my Polaroid to take some naughty pictures to give to Deaky and Roger. Jim wouldn't let us take some of him at first, then we told Fred and he made Jim take some. I'm wrecked from crying all day at the thought of Roger leaving today. He reassures me that the next tour, they'll be huge and I can come along. I know it sounds selfish, but I don't want him to go. Everyone met at outside our flat for their departure. Deaky hugged me for a solid five minutes thanking me for pushing him to audition for Queen. Brian gave me a list of contact numbers, their schedule, and the keys to his flat so I could water his plants. Freddie told me not to flirt with his husband, Jim. Him and Jim exchanged rings in our living room a few nights ago and we celebrated till 5 am. Fred then gave me a big bear hug and said he loved me like a sister. Everyone was in the van except Roger. We stood on the sidewalk not wanting to say goodbye. "I'm gonna miss you so much, probably gonna go mad." Roger said taking my hands. My eyes started Watering, I wasn't ready for him to leave. "Go be a rock star drummer in a rock n roll band! Do this for you and our future. Just don't forget about me" I said hugging the tightest I ever hugged him. "that promise ring is no joke, I'll be back for you" he said to me followed by him crashing His lips into mine for what felt like forever. Brian honked the car horn twice, Rog kissed me and said "see you in 3 weeks". Jim, Veronica, and I stood on the sidewalk and waved goodbye as their crappy van drove off. All wiping our tears away.
3 weeks flew by. I spent it working and painting. Roger and I talked every 3/4 days. He told me all about how exciting touring was. The shows were going great, the crowds were wild and the partied after every show. We leave for the airport soon, I decided to ring him one last time. "Hello." Their tour manager answered. "Scott, it's Olivia. Is Rog around" I asked. "Sorry love, he's out with boys for a pint. Should I have him ring you back?" I was sad I wouldn't talk to him before I left but oh well, "no, it's alright. Tell him I'll see him tonight. Bye" I answered then hung up. Jim & Veronica were waiting for me on the street while I made the call. "Their out for a pint. It's only bloody 10 am." I said half joking. Jim shrugged and loaded our bags into the cab and the three of us were off. The plane ride was short, but the bus ride was longer. All of us were itching to see our boys. Once we dropped our bags off, we met them at the pub. Everyone exchanging hugs, kisses and I've missed yous. "I can't believe you're here!" Roger whispered into my ear. He held me close all night, barely breaking away from me. Everyone left the pub together and headed back to the hotel. Everyone drunk singing and dancing on the sidewalk. The boys have a show tomorrow and we were all excited to see them perfom not in a pub. Laying in bed that night, Roger and I caught each other up on everything we missed. I informed him that I painted the flat and added new decor. "I can't wait to see it. I keep that doodle you made when we first got together with me at all times. I feel like your with me" He said to me, pulling it out of his pocket. His love for my crap drawing makes my heart soar. "Wait till you see all my new ones on your desk" I said smiling at him. I always feel st home laying in his arms. "Can I tell you something? You promise you wont get angry?" Roger asked me. "Well I can't promise but I'll try." I answered. My stomach was in knots, I felt like I knew what he was gonna say. "I've been doing cocaine. Just before shows and sometimes after. We all do it, not that group drug use is better" He rambled. "oh thank god, I thought you cheated. I'm not gonna stop you just don't do anything harder" I said laughing. Not that drug use is better than cheating but I'll take it. I use to smoke pot before dating Roger. So who am I to judge? "I thought you were gonna go mad" Roger said relieved. "It's what rock stars do, look at Bowie!" I said. We were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. "Olivia. Roger. It's Deaky!" Veronica yelled. "For fucks sake, what the hell did Deaky do" I said to Roger. I opened up the door and Veronica sobbing. "What's going on?" I asked her. I could barley understand her through the tears. "Deaky got into a fight with a crowd down at the hotel bar, it wasn't bad until it was over and he punched a window" she finally said. Deaky always had a short temper, he once threw my tea set out my window because he didn't want to play. While I'm used to this, poor Veronica isn't. "Love, it's okay. Where is he now?" I asked hugging her. "They've taken him in an ambulance to the hospital to get stitched up." She said wiping away her tears. "Feckin Deaky, man. He better be able to play or I'll kill him!" Roger said shaking his head. "Well let's head over to him them. Rog, just shh." I said. Veronica and I called a cab to take us to the hospital. Once we get there, a nurse brings us to his room. Deakys arm was i a sling and bandaged up. "Seriously Deaks!? A bloody window, what are you a child!?" I shouted to him. "Liv, Liv, Liv, those wankers were saying some nasty shit" Deaky said to me. "Well what happened to your arm?" Veronica asked holding his non damaged hand. "Oh just 11 stitches and a very very bad fracture. They said I'm not to play for 2 maybe 3 weeks." Deaky said smiling. "Oh say it!" I said grabbing his shoulders and shaking him lightly. Veronica shot a me an odd look. "Oh I'm playing, you're mad if you think I'm not" Deaky said kissing Veronica's cheek. The three of us laughed about the whole situation. It wasn't until nearly 4 am he was released with pain killers and strict instructions not to play bass. Deaky saluted the Doctor and said "Of Course!". He is such a cheeky bastard. We made it back the hotel and everyone was still sleeping. I went in Rogers bag to find a pair a joggers to sleep in. I found a pair, and a bra that wasn't mine. I left it alone and crawled into bed. I didn't want to ruin the trip by fighting right away but I want to know why my boyfriend has a bra in his luggage.

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