Chapter 18

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Ben and Joe left after they walked me to studio. I ran inside, excited to see the boys in action. It was amazing watching them work in the studio. Deaky was in the hallway out the room. "Liv, how was the dress shopping?" Deaky said smiling. I grabbed the Polaroids from my purse and handing them to him. I didn't realize how drunk I was until I missed his hands the photos fell on te ground. "Ah, fuck" I said laughing. "Livia, you are tanked!" He said laughing and bendi g down to pick up the pictures. He looked at the photos and back at me. "You're beautiful! Roger is very lucky." He said hugging me. "Thank you Deaks. Can I ask you something?" I said back to him. "Of course I'm gonna walk you down rhe aisle. You don't need to ask, love." Deaky said smiling. "Well that's good, because I'd probably start crying! Where are the boys? Specifically my Roggie?" I asked looking around. The studio was quieter than usual, odd. "Some fight about a song choice. Fred and Brian against Roger, so you know Roger is handling it in a very mature manner by launching half of his drum kit across the room." Deaky said nervous laughing. I walked I to the studio to the three boys sitting around working on a song together. The drum kit was knocked over and everything off the table was knocked over. "You feel better, Rog?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Olivia! My song is getting put on the record." He ran over, planting a kiss on my lips. "You taste like booze" he said rubbing my cheek. "Had to celebrate getting my wedding dress! Wanted to come and hangout with you." I exclaimed. I sat down by the boys and Roger handed me a beer. I watched the boys work on their music, it was always interesting to watch them. Deaky joined the boys, telling them about some bass riff. Going back and fourth, bouncing lyrics off each other. The occasional fight would break out but ended quickly. The boys finished around 7 at night, all of us well liquored up. Roger and I walked home while the rest of the boys went out. "I uh, I called my sister. She's coming down for my birthday. She wants to meet you." I said under my breath. Roger stopped us in our tracks and looked at me. "That's great Olivia! You don't sound too excited" he said pullimg me in. "Not that. I'm just nervous." I said. Roger looked at me and smiled. "I'm nervous too. Butbthe good, excited, nervous! Cannot wait to be married to you love." He told me. We kept walking talking about te wedding. Planning out small details. I didn't want to ruin his great day by telling him how I was terrified to meet his mother. We made it back to the flat and Roger had to carry me up the stairs and put me in bed. It was still pretty early but I was exhausted. I grabbed my wedding list and laid on the bed, crossing off buy a wedding dress. Roger came in the room with a cuppa for me. "Love for a woman who is about to marry the sexiest rock star, you seem sad. What's going on?" Roger asked Me. He could always see through me. "Rog, I terrified to meet your mother. Like absolutely terrified. She's gonna hate me. All mothers do, besides Deaky's mum. But she raised me." I said trying not to cry. Roger grabbed my face and pulled me in for a soft kiss. "My mum is gonna love you because I love you." Roger said, trying to calm me down. We leave for his mum's in a week and we have some stuff to finish up here before we leave and I have to figure out to make sure his mum loves me. I tossed off the papers of the bed and snuggled into my Roggie. Peacefully falling asleep.

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