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Genre: Lightweight; Fluff

You as: Kim Seohyun

"And now I pronounce you two as husband and wife," the priest arbitered while the couple stood before him and infront of the whole gallant crowd.

A loud wave of cheers swept across the whole church with thunderous series of claps and nothing but a merry atmosphere.

The day the two united into a beautiful tie, their faces ever so ecstatic. It felt as if they had been waiting for this moment all their lives.

The boy looked into his beloved's eyes so compassionately until his teeth expressed his emotions through an impeccable grin spread across his face.

The girl also looked into his orbs with a charm that he gave her.

The charm attributed to him since they were so uncontrollably fond of eachother.

'Kim Seohyun and Bang Chan got officially married'


Third person's POV

1 year later

"Chan-ah we've to go watch the movie as promised," Seohyun sang while clutching the strap of her purse and nudging a pair of spectacles across the bridge of her nose.

"Aah... I'll be right there hun. 'Annabelle', right?" he enquired about the movie while wearing a pair of shoes over his white socks.

"Yes baby," she chimed in while approaching and shortly making herself comfortable beside him.

They were indeed a really cute couple. It had been a year since their felicity commenced, well it started way before the time they were married but their relationship was regarded as 'goals'.

Apart from Chan's loud singing voices in the washroom, there was no quandary that ever intercepted their paths. Nothing that ever resulted in a quarrel which is why it'd be weird if there was actually one.

As soon as they got ready, they exited the house, locking the door behind.

No sooner, Chan drove his wife to the theatre and they watched the horror movie that just got released.

After watching the movie, Seohyun was extremely traumatised and petrified though she knew that it was bound to happen. She intertwined her arms with Chan, harbouring a warm stream of tears suspended in her doe eyes.

She sobbed like a baby.

Chan kept on consoling her by cracking dad jokes and also by hugging her consequently.

However it worked.

"Look, I told you that you'd get scared but you don't listen to me now uljimah," he comforted her generously as she slowly started becoming wary of her surroundings.

After a while Seohyun had stopped crying and sat patiently.

"I'm hungry," she sniffed a couple of times until a smile lit across Chan's face that his wife was alright now.

"Alright," he let out a satisfied sigh that his sagacity to fix his wife's mood, worked.

They drove to a nearby chicken restaurant and dined in.

"I'll just have a chocolate shake," Seohyun requested the waiter.

"And what about you, sir?" the waiter lowered to Chan's level.

"Me? Oh I'll have one chicken," he obliviously spoke.

"You mean 1 chicken leg piece," the waiter attempted on confirming the order, slightly unsure.

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