45 - BREAKING UP WITH YOU - Jeon Jungkook

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" Imagine you breaking up with Jeon Jung Kook"

Genre: Melodrama
You as: Kim Aera (pronounced as: ay-ra)

3rd Person's POV

Murky spread in the wide room giving it a dull shade of darkness since the only source of light which was the bed lamp with off white lights, was quite small to illuminate the whole room therefore it was just a small glimmer of light in the dark room allowing hardly hazy vision. The clock was ticking, being the only source of sound apart from the soft breathing of the two in the room. The dull room paired well with the dry and solemn aura in there.

"Aera listen" One of them finally spoke up to break this awkward silence which lingered between him and his girl friend who still seemed quite uninterested to listen to him as she was seated on the couch and her boyfriend on the edge of the bed, looking at her.

"These are all just fake rumors and photoshops that's it?" Jungkook heaved a breath after completing his sentence, his tone convincing and soft. The girl on the other hand had her arms crossed and head low, her expressions tense and strict hence she wasn't buying what Jungkook was trying to explain.

"No Jungkook these aren't photoshops or just rumors, how do you still have the guts to argue?" She flared up looking at the named boy with fuming eyes.

"Aera trust me, come on we have known each other from almost 5 years and dated for 3 years now, I am not lying seriously" Jungkook said in his defense making eye contact with Aera. She scoffed before pulling her phone out of the pocket of her sweat pants speedily and clicking a few times to open the right thing.

"Oh really if you are actually not lying that what the fuck is this Jeon Jungkook!" She yelled getting up from the couch, pulling her arm out and facing the screen of her phone towards Jungkook which displayed a picture of him with some other girl. His face flushed red as he got up too, his eyes still glued to the screen, speechless.

"You forgot your wallet so I came to the company to give it to you but the members told me you were out somewhere and when I went out of the company I saw you in the car with this bitch right there in the picture! Do you still have the guts to explain or should I say lie to me? Or are you going to say I photo shoped it too?" Her words loud and bold as she burst out, her eyes heated and jaws clenched knowing the fact her boyfriend cheated on her and was still trying to explain and lie to her which added to her anger,

"A-Aera listen its not like that, I just- please listen" Jungkook said his eyes surrendering as he knew he didn't have a way out of it now, he was in a big trouble now, The girl scoffed shaking her head in disbelieve.

"I loved you Jungkook, with all my heart and this is what I get in return... Jeon we are over" She said the last part confidently and slowly at the same time before she turned towards her closet, bringing out her bag, unzipping it and throwing it on the bed as she began fetched the hangers with her dresses and clothes hung on and shoved them in, Jungkook looking at her emotionlessly and speechlessly.

Within a matter of seconds Aera packed her bag threw in all her essentials and zipped it again before grabbing the handle and storming towards the door not even sparing her boyfriend a glance. Jungkook snapped out of the bubble as he realized his girlfriend was leaving their home, he quickly draped his fingers around her wrist in order to stop her from moving.

"Aera don't do this! Where are you going!" He raised his voice, looking straight into the girl's eyes, which were filled with hurt, feeling of being betrayed and glazing anger, with his own tensed yet a little irritated ones.

"We are done Jungkook! And don't touch me, I will go anywhere but I am not staying with you any longer!" She declared yanking her hand out of his grasp, her teeth gritted and gaze sharp, Jungkook sighed shutting his eyes close as he looked down, allowing her to go away from him. The next thing he heard was the bedroom door shutting loudly and a few moments later a car's engine starting before it drove away from the driveway in immense speed.

The boy collapsed onto the bed flat on his back, his arms spread wide and eyes staring onto the ceiling drily. His orbs were moist as he breathed out yet again, a lone tears slipping out of his right eye down his temple and falling onto the sheets, he didn't want her to leave but he was also on fault for her. Jungkook sat up straight, roaming his hands all over his face and hair still in absolute shock before he picked his phone up from the side table and dialed a number.

"Yo Kookie whats up? why are you calling this late at night?" Taehyung spoke up who was previously on his phone playing some random game before he received the maknae's phone call.

"Hyung, I am coming to the dorms and will be staying with you guys for some time till the concert, ask Jimin Hyung to empty my room and cupboard," The younger ones voice dead and plain as he asked Taehyung to tell Jimin to empty his room since Jungkook's room was the biggest in the dorm and therefore after he shifted in his place with his girlfriend Jimin began staying in that room. Taehyung's eyes squinted in confusion since he wasn't too used too off this tone of the maknae.

"Yeah sure, but you okay you sound upset? And what about Aera aren't you stay with her, did she go somewhere?" Taehyung inspected curiously.

"Long story short.... she broke up with me," Jungkook said with an upset tone causing the guy on the other line to gasp loudly, Jungkook and Aera would fight in these past years but things never got this worse before so it was kind of very shocking for him.

"What! Oh my god Jungkook, what happened?!" Taehyung couldn't help but ask in concern.

"Hyung I am not in the right state of mind to explain everything right now, I will be explaining it to y'all but first let me get there" Jungkook answered tiredly as he got up from his bed pressed the phone between his ear and shoulder so that it wont fall as he began packing his important stuff which he had to take with him to the dorm.

"Yeah okay, I will ask Jimin Hyung to empty your space don't worry, be okay huh?"

"Yeah, I will be hanging up" With that Jungkook hung up and shoved his phone back in the pants of his trousers. His shoulders were low and face was dull as he packed up his stuff silently, he had at least never expected Aera to break up with him like that, his heart hurt as he felt pathetic at that moment.


It was almost 2 weeks since Jungkook and Aera broke up, he shifted in with the boys in their dorms as there was no reason to stay at his place anymore, the only reason he didn't stay in the dorm was that he wanted to shift in with Aera in their own place and when she was gone, he didn't find a good reason to stay there longer, because after that he wouldn't be able to stay there any longer everything about that place would remind him of her and add to his pain.

Everyone around Jungkook specially his band members noticed his drastically changing attitude and vibe, he had suddenly become really quite, very less interactive, hardly did any Vlive in all this time, and even now the army had began noticing this change as well, he wouldn't eat or sleep properly, and above all over worked himself so much that it began effecting his health.

Right now Jungkook was in the gym lifting weight, he had his head phones on with blasting music just to distract himself but he knew nothing was working as he was still recalling the moments he shared with his ex in his head. He got so anxious and his breathing got heavier as the urge to see her was powerful, the urge to hug her was tremendous, the urge to be back with her was just bothering him too much, but he was way too ashamed of himself that he couldn't just muster up the courage to go to her, explain and apologize, instead Jungkook was punishing himself this way, though he knew he didn't cheat on her and would never ever do that, it was just a small mistake which caused such big chaos.

His thoughts made his so anxious that he lost the grip around the rod and suddenly the heavy weight in his hands dropped, everyone around froze at spot, their breathes hitched as Jungkook tried to protect himself but the weight ended up landing on the toe of his right foot.

"AHH FUCK!" Everyone ran towards the wincing boy who was scrunched down on the floor in a ball, his feet hurting like hell as the members panicked. The gym instructor tried to pull him back in order to make him lay straight on his back and check the wound, but the boy was undergoing too much pain that he couldn't respond to anything, Namjoon quickly called the medical team who was always in their company there.

"Jungkook-ah please cooperate and let them see" Yoongi tried to convince, as the youngest one winced in immense pain before clenching his jaws and trying to lay straight, his face twisted into a pained one. Everyone had surrounded the injured boy on the floor with their faces distressed and stressed.

The doctor managed to take his shoe off revealing his drenched in blood sock which was previously white but the tip, part of the fingers, toe specifically had turned crimson due to blood being drawn out. Everyone gasped and winced looking at him as Jungkook tried his best not to move, the doctor carefully removed the sock, show casing his severely injured toe, his nail slit from the edge and blood flowing out of it like hell. The nurse quickly opened the first it kid and gave the doctor the sanitized cotton pads and some anti septic, the process of bandaging was quite painful as the staff and the members were encircling the boy, saying encouraging words and trying their best to help him out and lessen his pain.

The doctor injected him a pain killer injection in order to lessen the pain as he had bandaged his foot properly, prescribing complete rest for 2 days and good care of the wound, declaring it was a fortune and good luck that the weight didn't fall on the bone or else it would've been a much bigger issue, he also informed that the boy would recover within a week if taken proper care of the wound.

"Jungkook where was your concentration and attention? You know you could've hurt yourself way worse even" Namjoon being the leader spoke up as all of the boys were sitting together in the living room of the dorm. Jungkook was looking down with guilty eyes poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

"Yeah I am sorry hyung, I should've been more attentive" He apologized shortly.

"I know its Aera, your mind was stuck at her and you just cant focus on anything after you two broke up" Yoongi stated plainly sighing at the end. Jungkook knitted his brows shaking his head in disapproval and looked up at the boys.

"No Hyung, it wasn't her, I don't think about her, it was just a mere mistake, the weight slipped off my hand that's it" Frustration clear in his tone as he didn't want to talk over the same topic right now, The others didn't say anything against him since they knew he was quite sensitive about it.

"Taehyung Hyung, can you please help me walk to my room?" The maknae questioned as the named boy nodded his head always ready for help from his behalf, the elder one stood up from the couch and silently walked towards the maknae, he helped him stand up as Jungkook placed his arm over his shoulder for support before Tae helped him get to his room. It was silent for a while before Hoseok and Jimin sighed deeply, their hands trailing in their hair as they shook their heads, knowing how severely hurt he was, emotionally and even physically now.

"Jimin-ah, I think you should call Aera today and talk to her about this matter, tell her about Jungkook's behavior and health and that they should think about maybe talking to each other for once, since you are close to her" Namjoon said as Jimin nodded his head in approval since Jimin was thinking about this as well.


The girl was in her room plainly going through her insta feed, her eyes would time to time spot Jungkook's posts or his clips would occasionally came in front of her but to the surprise she never unfollowed any of the fan pages neither did she unfollow Jungkook himself. Her heart would squeeze together when she would read their previous chats and messages, it felt so warm even though she had lost it all but still she would feel his warmth, his scent, his tight hugs, his late night calls, long drives just by recalling them.... She missed him like hell but at the same time was way too hurt to just let it slide like that.

Suddenly Jimin's caller ID popped in front of the screen as Aera squinted her eyes, it had been quite a long time since Jimin face timed her, she sighed not bothering how simple and all she looked as she accepted the call to see Jimin laying flat on his stomach facing the camera. She smiled and waved at the camera as a response to Jimin's little wave.

"How have you been?" Jimin asked as Aera nodded her head replying she was okay and asked the same question to him.

"I am fine too....but you know there is someone who isn't that fine...." Jimin said with a plain relaxed face, Aera knitted her brows in confusion and wondered who was sick or ill since she didn't hear anything on social media either.

"Oh seriously? Is it Tae? Or Jin oppa? He gets cold easil-"

"Its Jungkook Aera" Jimin cut her mid way as her features relaxed and she looked down, just never wanting to speak up about him to anyone. She sighed and didn't ask what happened to him or was he okay, but she thought it was better to just stay quiet and look down.

"Look Aera I know you are as hurt as he is, seriously he hasn't been thinking right lately, its been almost a month and he has changed so damn much that we cant believe it, he doesn't eat or sleep and hardly initiates a conversation... you know its not our Jungkook whom he is being right now.... Do you even know he injured himself a while ago as well" At hearing the last part Aera slowly looked up at the screen, and blinked a few times, she wanted to asks him tones of questions as worrisome and frightening thoughts filled her head up but instead she gulped hard, trying to overcome those over whelming commotions.

"What happened to him?" Her tone stern and strict though her voice broke a bit, Jimin exhaled out deeply, before explaining it all to her that he dropped weight over his toe today and clarified his stated back then.

"Look Aera please talk to him you know he really misse-"

"No Jimin I am sorry, I am not calling him right now, not tomorrow, never! He is such a bastard he cheated on me and I left his place and what did he do? He didn't even spare me a message that where was I, how was I doing, not even a freaking single apology! And you expect me to call him and talk to him" At this point Jimin realized Aera was silently crying since she was looking down and he could see shiny tears rolling down her temples and her sniffing and slightly choking on her words as well. He was short of words as he heaved a sigh looking down fidgeting with his fingers, she was right at her place too, he couldn't say she was the wrong one either.

"But still please just a single cha-"

"Jimin No I said no... seriously I am never going to talk to you guys either if it's the only thing you want to talk to me about" she said in a low voice as her features were scrunched in an expression of hurt, anger and tension.

"Okay okay fine... just don't stress yourself, its okay..." Jimin gave up as she nodded her head lightly, both of them talked about some random stuff and jimin shared some recent funny incidents which happened with him to make her laugh and lighten up her mood, making sure he doesn't mention Aera's ex in front of her anymore...


It was mess, everyone was busy in their works, stylist noonas just finalizing their looks and all as some of the members were practicing vocalizing and some rapping since they had their concert in less than 15 minutes, the concert they had been working so hard and long for. All the boys gathered together, all dressed up and ready just standing a few steps away from the stage, They made a circle, wished each other lucks and adjusted their mics and ear pieces, Jungkook had a plain face on as he had a severe headache since morning too. The boys cheered themselves before finally embracing themselves to face the humongous crowd to the other side of the wall chanting and cheering for them in advance. The boys walked to the steps and up to the stage as the vibrantly colored lights on the stage began displaying and loud echoing music blasted in to the awfully large concert hall. Army applauded loudly in sync witnessing the boys' presence on the wide stage to encourage and boost energy and enthusiasm into them, with a last blast of the confetti, Fake love, one of their old songs began playing in the back ground earning unexplainably loud cheers in response.

Just forget about her for once Jungkook, and give your level best to the army...


Today was one of the best concerts BTS ever had, the audience was so responsive, the guys had amazing energy, fan chats everything was just on point, and thus everyone noticed Jungkook giving his 100 percent after quite a long time as well. They guys performed more than 12 songs, and it was the last one when the maknae began feeling uneasy, his head was already throbbing and vision started to get blurry too, but he still managed to give the performance. Right after the performances ended and it was time for the ending speech, Jungkook ran back stage alarming everyone around him. Army began panicking as the boys stood there shocked.

They hurried after the maknae who had randomly speeded back stage, the guys saw Jungkook wobbling as the staff members gave him support and he collapsed. His eyes closed and breathing slowed down, his body loose as it aimed downwards but the people around clung onto him tight so that he doesn't fall down. The members' eyes widen in shock as they gasped and panicked running towards their youngest band mate who was being laid down on the mat.

"Oh god what happened to him!" Jin cried out as Jungkook was drenched in sweat and wasn't responding to even a single word. Soon all the staff gathered around him as they called the nurse and the massage therapist. The nurse took off his mic set and pulled a mask down his head onto his mouth as they pumped oxygen in through the pump. Jungkook was breathing in and out heavily as the members circled him with troubled faces, their hearts ramming in the speed on light. Jimin couldn't handle as he was a panicking mess, he quickly got his phone and dialed the only number he could think of right now,

"Aera please come here! Jungkook just fainted and he isn't gaining conscious! Please get here as soon as possible" Jimin's voice cracked, on the other hand the girl was out for some groceries as the bag of chips in her hand dropped onto the floor listening to what Jimin had just told her. Her knees went numb as her heart skipped a beat, She quickly rushed out of the store and ran towards her car, getting in and starting the engine, her fingers shivering slightly as she held the staring and speedily drove to the concert hall.


The therapist began massaging Jungkook's back as the boy began gaining some conscious, his features crumpled into a pained expression as he would slightly groan and grunt in pain. The room was a chaos as everyone was frightened to see this sudden condition of the boy.

Their eyes averted to a figure which had just rushed back stage, panting, her eyes wide filled with terror and fright and pupils contracted as she breathed in and out heavily before gulping and trying to suppress the over whelming feeling in side her. She mentally calmed down a bit to see Jungkook had gained some conscious and seemed fine as she managed to fake an unbothered and uninterested face, though her voice and hands were still trembling in fear.

"Oh you are here" Jimin looked at her with worried eyes, his words caused Jungkook to look at the direction of his gaze as well. The latter's eyes widen a bit registering Aera's presence as those puppy eyes turned even softer, the therapist still massaging his biceps and nape.

"Well nothing to worry too much about, I think its just because Jungkook maybe over worked himself a little too much, didn't rest and might be upset or distressed..." The nurse who had just checked Jungkook's blood pressure stated to the members and staff standing around, they all nodded as the boy's head was hung low from guilt and hurt. Aera blinked a few times before tearing her gaze off from the floor to Jungkook.

"Are you okay?" She asked out in a plain tone, with a strict face causing the boy to look up in her direction, his gaze polar opposite to the one of the girl, his eyes carried love and guilt in them. Jungkook replied he was fine in a small voice as the girl nodded, fine herself that he was okay and decided to go back to her place, low key regretting coming here in the first place but she was way too shocked and worried to hear what Jimin had told her that she couldn't restrict herself from not coming here to see if he was okay with her own eyes, and once she was assure that he was fine, she sighed and made her mind to go back to her place, since there was no reason to stay there anymore and neither did she want to be there any longer.

"Aera wait listen" Namjoon stopped the girl who had turned back and caused her to turn back to face them again, the elder one looked down before tilting his face up to look at her again.

"You know we still aren't done with the concert properly, an ending speech is left so we will be going there, but since Jungkook isn't feeling fine, he wouldn't be able to rejoin us, so could you please drop him at the dorms? So that he could rest? Or else he is just going to feel bad is he stays here back stage" The leader proposed as the girl's eyes squinted, she was hundred and one percentage against this idea.


"Yeah that seems like a great idea, come on guys we should hurry, army is as worried as we were, so please Aera sweetie drop him at the dorm in your way back, Manager-nim could you please help Jungkook to the car?" Yoongi finalized everything himself even before letting the girl reject the idea. Since everyone actually wanted Jungkook and Aera to go together, they all agreed and within moments left for the stage again so that the girl doesn't get the chance to retaliate. She sighed, defeated and had given in as she uninterestedly turned back to walk to the car as manager-nim helped Jungkook get up and walk to the car, but the latter assured he was okay now and he could walk so he soon followed the girl to the back door to her car.

Jungkook was silent as he didn't say anything and silently got in the front seat of the car as the girl was in the driving seat, with a solemn face on. She started the engine when the boy had closed the door behind himself, and drove off from there to the dorm. The way there was awfully silent as no one of them uttered a single word, though one of them wanted to but they couldn't.


"Aera?" Jungkook tilted his face in the direction of the girl who was plainly looking straight. "Can we have a brief conversation, please?" He asked out in a soft tone, the girl scoffed before turning her face to the other direction.

"I personally don't think that's a very good idea" She spoke solemnly. "Please?" The girl just didn't want him to beg her so she agreed as she knew everything had ended long time ago and now she would never let Jungkook get in her life ever again and everything should be clear and to the point, so whats the matter to be hesitant when there has already been a wall built in between the two which she would never dissolve now.


"What is it?" She asked, the two of them sitting face to face in the living room on the couches, Jungkook fidgeted with his fingers before looking at her straight, his face hesitant and uncertain as he knew not how to start the conversation.

"Look.... I think we both should talk it out now" His tone soft and small as the girl looked at him with squinted eyes and crumpled brows, in the way that it seemed so illogical and unnecessary to her,

"You kno-"

"Jungkook say if it's something important, I am not going to stand some random bullshit" Her tone strict since she figured out what he was pointing towards and honestly, she didn't want to talk about it, not now now later, just never.

" Aera you can't do this to me, I need to explain things to you, it's all misunderstanding just hear me out once, honestly, if you still think its just some random bullshit than I wouldn't stop you from leaving"Jungkook sighed as the girl rolled her eyes before leaning back against the couch not giving a damn to anything, since she didn't argue against the idea of Jungkook explaining, so he took it as the only golden chance to explain himself.

"You know all that happened that night.... Yeah, I know I went out with that girl and those pictures weren't photo shopped or fake, and I even lied to you... but trust me it isn't like what it seems. The girl you spotted me with that day, that freak was blackmailing me for some lame crap" Jungkook began cursing at the end since he was way too mad at that girl due to which everything happened. Aera was looking at him with a distain and dispassionate face.

"One day before our comeback I was a little too stressed out and I went to the bar without telling you... and I am really sorry for that but I knew you would stop me from drinking and I knew I needed some at the time, and maybe there this freak came to me and began flirting and all, but trust me I swear to god I didn't even touch her because I passed out right away, but after that day I started receiving weird messages and it was her, she blackmailed me for shit I never did so I eventually had to go and speak to her myself, but I swear to god Aera it was nothing more than this, you know I can never cheat you right? I am just sorry I lied to you all this time, but I s-" It was the truth whatever Jungkook had explain since he was all innocent but maybe he wasn't able to clarify himself that day to her. Jungkook was mid way when the latter cut him off.

"I am leaving, nonsense" before she would erupt and have a huge outburst Aera decided to leave from there,although she was ready to believe whatever he said as Jimin and the others who spoke to her before also explained like wise but she still decided to leave since there were a lot of things she wanted to say and have the answers too but the girl had lost all hope and believed it was nothing but just nonsense to her now. Jungkook suddenly panicked as he knew it was the last chance, he rushed towards the girl who was walking towards the main door and came standing in front of her.

"Aera listen please" He pleaded with soft puppy eyes.

"Jungkook get out of my way this instant I swear I don't feel like talking to you about this not now not in future, never!" She yelled as she was already frustrated and stressed and didn't want to let it slide so easily like it was going. Jungkook had a troubled face on he held her wrist in order to stop her from leaving him behind.

"I am so sorry please listen to me" He begged as she tried her best to walk away from him but he wasn't letting her do that. She tried to jerk her wrist out of his grip as she looked up at him with a grave look.

"I don't want to even exchange a fucking word with a worthless cheater like you Kook!" She didn't want to say something like that but had to so that he let her go. She looked up at him, her jaws clenched and chest rising and fall over and over again.

Her eyes soften unknowingly when she saw Jungkook's moist ones, tears filled them up in front of her, his features relaxed as his brows scrunched together and chin wobbled, those words were way harsh and hurtful for his little heart. He began sniffing and tears rolled down his cheeks, the girl was totally taken aback as she blinked a few times, it sank her heart for some reason and she began getting weak unintentionally.

"I-I didn't cheat on you I promise, I-I am sorry, I cant live without you please" He stuttered, tears rushing down his cheeks like a river stream. The girl gulped to gain her previous self again and not let this soft side take over her.

"No! Stop lying! You proved it so well that you can live perfectly fine without me, that you don't give a damn about my presence in your life and I don't hold a mere place, the way you didn't care where I was, didn't bother to even spare me a single text or a message or just apologize to me Jungkook, and it has been over a month now, stop freaking lying to me and yourself" She stated dryly as Jungkook sniffed wiping those tears which were falling out of his away as he shook his head in disagreement.

"N-No you don't know how hard it was for m-"

"No Jungkook! It wasn't! s-stop lying to me yet again!" The girl felt her heart breaking apart, those were the last words she wanted to hear right now, her barely healed heart broke again, she wanted to hit him, punch him and scold him for making it so hard for her, for hurting her like this but she just didn't want to talk to him either,

"I-I am so sorry" Jungkook broke down as he unexpectedly wrapped his strong pair of arms around her small frame and pulled her in his embrace. The girl was numb, she didn't respond to his hug, her arms hanging loosely to her sides as the latter had hugged her close to his torso, His head was tilted a little so that his cheek rested against the crown of her head, soft sobs and sniffs escaping out of his lips as Aera bit her lower lip feeling emotions crashing down in her.

"J-Jungkook get away" Her voice hardly above a whisper as she placed her palms on his firm chest trying to push him away but the latter shook his head rapidly in denial as he hugged her even tighter.

"I wont... I am sorry please.... I love you Aera" He whispered his voice cracking and kind of husky as he had been crying. Tears began forming in the latter's eyes, she couldn't resist him anymore... her heart was already weak for him, but at the same point she was way hurt because of his actions too. She gave him the best of her, she showered him with love and affection and what he did in return was cheating and lying to her? And above all the thing which shocked and hurt her the most was that he didn't even care she had left him.

"S-Shut up I hate you" She whispered as her face turned warm when wet droplets of tears began rolling down her cheeks, Jungkook sniffed pulling her closer to him even more. Aera knew she had to give in, but she wasn't ready for it. Soft sobs and sniffs could be heard as that resistant side broke down. She gave in. Her face scrunched together in a pained and crying expression as she closed her eyes placing her forehead against his shoulder, but her arms were still hanging by her sides.

"Y-You didn't even care where I was, h-how was I doing... when did you get so cruel Jungkook?" She sobbed in a small voice, her chest rising and falling over and over again due to her sniffing and hicupping continuously. Jungkook felt pathetic inside for making her cry like that.

"Don't cry please" He whispered his own voice cracking, those words causing more tears to roll down the girl's cheeks. She hit his shoulder and began crying even more.

"What do you mean don't cry! What else can I even do!" She whimpered and Jungkook rubbed her back with his hand. "I am so heartbroken because of you Jungkook" She sobbed as the latter let her rant and let it all out knowing she had locked it all up inside her since long, knowing Jungkook was the only person in front of whom she would cry or rant and when he wasn't there anymore, she just suppressed those shouting feelings and emotions in her like that and let herself suffer for all this time.

"I am sorry" He whispered patting her head as she just cried and cried in response. "No its not okay!" She retaliated as he hugged her tighter placing his chin on her head and kissing the crown of her head multiple times.

"Listen please... Aera I loved you before and I am always going to always love only you.... I was just too ashamed of myself that I couldn't muster the courage to come and talk to you, I am a pathetic human being who doesn't deserve a person like you... I swear all this time you were the only one in my head, I couldn't think straight, I couldn't sleep or eat because the urge to see you, to hug you to apologize to you and to come back to you was so bad that I couldn't live...." Jungkook explained in a calm soft tone as he stroked his hand over the back side of her head and back.

"And Jimin Hyung would tell me about you on a daily basis, that you are okay, you are healthy, you are fine, maybe that's the reason I still coped up with a lot of things without having you beside me.... Honestly, I couldn't even handle it myself... You are the source of my happiness baby, you are my light, you are my love my everything, how can't I care about you? It is only you about whom I care, the only one I love and want to be with for the rest of my life..." His words were so sincere and genuine that the girl could stop herself for falling for them and just softly crying in his embrace which she had missed so damn much.

"L-Lies, all lies" She whispered in a cracking voice. Jungkook shook his head softly. "No baby, it is not a lie, its just a small fragment of the affection I have in my heart for you... Please forgive me Aera... Just this one time..." His embrace was so tight around her, it felt so right, she felt so protected and shielded after so long, she knew she couldn't resist him anymore.

Aera's arms which loosely hung by her sides slowly trailed upwards and wrapped themselves around Jungkook's neck. A small smile cracked onto his lips as he hugged her tighter. She breathed in his faded cologne, her favorite scent on him. Her heart hurt, she couldn't even live a day without seeing him and it was above a month. Jungkook pulled away, his hands still on her shoulders as the latter looked down, he was calm as his eyes were soft. He smiled at her in soft and touched heart looking at her looking like a little baby. He wiped her tears with his sleeves and tilted her face up by placing a finger under her chin and tilting it upwards.

Aera looked at the boy with grumpy yet baby like eyes, her lips in a pout as he felt his heart jumping since she looked too cute. Jungkook giggled softly before kissing her forehead and hugging her again.

"You are such a jerk I swear" She stated in a small voice as Jungkook pulled away a little to look at her with wide surprised eyes. "What did you say" He asked in a playful tone.

"You are such a j-"

Before she could complete her sentence the boy leaned in and crashed his lips above hers, the girl was a bit taken aback as she felt butterflies floating in her stomach due to the sudden bold move he took, but eventually melted in the kiss. The both of them closed their eyes as they shared a soft kiss. Jungkook apologized to her once again and made sure she was fine and relaxed now. Aera also let it slide this time as she just kicked it out of her heart, the most important thing right now was that she got her boyfriend back. Jungkook proposed that as no one was home to cook he would cook for her tonight and later they could watch some Disney movie together and the girl tagged along with him.


"What do you think Hyung? What would've happened?" The boys were sitting in the car with the manager who had to drop them at the dorm in his way back to the company, Jimin asked whilst biting onto his nails in sheer nervousness. The others also had a troubled look on their faces as well.

"I think Aera might have thrown him on the road in the way back, Yoongi Hyung keep your eyes on the road, maybe Jungkooks still stuck there, we all know about Aera's anger after all, she can practically do that" Taehyung gasped as Hoseok restored, Namjoon biting his lips in nervousness.

"I think! She would've directly left after dropping him at home" Jin said as the car pulled over in front of the dorm. The boys got off greeted their manager before the car drove away to the Big Hit company. All of them exchanged nervous looks before walking towards the main door. The leader opened the door to see a dead silent dorm which added to their nervousness and tension.

"Oh no! what if she murdered my Kookie!" Taehyung cried as everyone else gasped, Yoongi therefore was leading as he was walking in with soft inaudible steps zealously noticing the area, his feet stopped walking as those tensed expressions on his face relaxed and he sighed in relief.

"Guys shut up and come here" He gestured them to come in the TV lounge. The boys came running there, their eyes widen a bit to see Jungkook and Aera sleeping on the couch, sharing a blanket as the girl's head was rested on the boy's shoulder and his arm was draped around her waist, the lights were switched off as the TV which played the Disney movie Moana in front was shimmering colors, a lot of plates and bowls some having eatables and some empty were on the coffee table in front and soft drink canes were thrown here and there. The guys kept staring at them for quite a good minute before realizing Jungkook made up to her and they were all good now.

Jimin jumped in excitement as the rest applauded and gave each other high five, celebrating their patch up. It was a sudden outburst of cheers and squeals as the couple in front slowly opened their squinted eyes, but those small eyes shot wide open to see a crowd of 6 boys encircling them, causing Jungkook and Aera to yell out in shock with shot open eyes and mouths.



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