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Warning : Errors ahead


· Both of you were having your lunch when suddenly an evil idea popped into your head. You remained serious since you didn't want Chan to get any idea that you about to prank him.

· You gulped down some water from your glass and this is from where your prank had started. Right after gulping the water down, you began coughing violently and panting, immediately catching your boy friend's attention.

· Chan had something in his mouth which he quickly swallowed, eyes widen in shock as adrenaline rushed in his blood due to the sudden abnormal way you acted.

· "Hey mate you okay!!!" Chan panicked getting up from his chair in a rush causing it to fall back due to the impact. He approached you and began rubbing your back and chest in rapid speed, his brows crumpled together and skin turning paler than his own skin tone.

· You had also gotten up from your seat as you stopped coughing and suddenly fell on your knees and down onto the floor sending shivers to the boy's back and almost giving him a heart attack.

· "Y/N!" He yelled your name before squatting down beside you and holding your hand, he patted your cheek several times and had your head on his lap, but when there was no sign of you responding to him at all, he was about to pick you up in a hurry, heart racing insanely fast inside his chest and eyes popped wide with terror and trauma.

· He was about to carry you and run to the hospital when suddenly you held onto his hand causing his head to turn towards you to see your opened eyes and a sheepish grin over your face,

· Right when the two of you made eye contact you burst into fits of laughter getting up from the floor, Chan just realized you pranked him as his tensed features relaxed and he sighed in relief. His legs were so numb and weak to stand any longer so he sat down on the floor, eyes shut still schooling himself that it was a prank and you were actually okay.

· You couldn't stop laughing as you hugged him, chuckling in his neck loudly recalling his scared face. Chan looked at you with done eyes as you giggled kissing his cheek and telling him it was just a prank, he shook his head left to right his brows furrowed.

· "God I was scared Y/N!" He scolded getting up as you giggled at his cute reaction, he was so scared for you and it really touched you.


· You were taking a shower and your boyfriend was sitting outside in your room, on his phone. Whilst you were showering you thought of a great idea to prank Minho.

· You came out of the washroom faking a dizzy and tired kind off a face as you made eye contact with your boy friend who sat on the couch lazily dragged downwards.

· He shot you a quickly smile before focusing back at the screen of his phone. You ruffled your wet hair letting out a sheepish smile before finally starting the prank.

· "Lee know... I am all of a sudden feeling dizz-" and with that you began the act and suddenly fell down on the floor, the latter's eyes widen in shock as he threw his phone aside and ran to get you.

· "Y/N!.... Y/N!" He panicked with terrified features, shaking you from your shoulder, attempting to wake you up but you didn't respond to him, trying your best to keep a solemn face.

· "Oh god!" The latter panicked as he began panting weirdly, you sensed Minho's tight grip on your shoulder and neck loosen which was kind of vague, and suddenly you heard a thud causing you to immediately open your eyes and look it the direction of the suspicious sound. You gasped in terror and shock when you saw Minho had fainted himself.

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