California Might Be Lucky

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I stared into the darkness not knowing what would happen next. This is a dream! I am about to wake up. I was relieved to know this. But I wasn't quit sure. You see I remember the dreams I have right before I am about to wake up. So this is the dream I will remember. But I have weird ones not scary. I don't know what will happen next. It's scary not knowing whats happening sometimes.

Like when my parents split when I was 5. I just stood there. I felt helpless and weak because I couldn't make my parents see that I was scared. When your that scared, you can't speak. I remember going ice-cold and my heart beating faster adn faster as the judge finally said " It is official! Mr. and Mrs. Marks are seperated!" My mom literally pulled me out of the room trying to get away from dad as fast as she could. I didn't like it. I hadn't seen my dad since.

As I stared I realized I was watching my memories being played back again like I was actually there. They were so vivid. Now my mom was yelling. But I couldn't see her, I justheard her. Now I was shaking. Whats happening? This was actually shaking. I opened my eyes and saw the sun-beams coming straight at me.

"Cleo Marks!" My mom yelled. It looked like she had been for a while. I sat up in my bed avoiding her eyes. She was a short woman with dark brown shoulder length hair with brown eyes. She had pale skin that wouldn't tan right. She'd always try but it always would stay the same pale color.

"Why were you screaming in your sleep? Did you have a bad dream honey?"she asked while pulling me into her arms. I shoved her off. I hate lovey-dovey stuff. It's just not right.

"No I didn't and for a fact I didn't even know I was screaming. OK? So could you just get out of room so I can get ready for school? Or is that impossible?" I practically shouted but I didn't mean to because I knew my twin step sisters were sleeping in the room next door. I kind of liked them but they were stuck-up brats who needed chores to teach them a lesson.

I had to do all the chores in the house while Tami , my "mom" , and step sissys sat around on their butts all day long. I had little time that morning so I decided I would walk to school and be late. But not too late because I would get in trouble for that even though my twin brats would skip school on random days and go shopping. They never got in trouble for that.

I got up and almost fell immediately. My room was a mess but I am a teenager what do you expect? I carefully walked to my closet/wardrobe and picked out an outfit that was appropriate for school. Me and my friends often got in trouble for wearing inappropriate outfits. We would be sent to the Nurse's office and got to pick out different outfits that were exceptable. It annoyed us, so we would be more carefull now.

I didn't have alot like my sisters but I did have stylish clothes that younger girls wanted so badly but were too young. Thats the best thing about being older. Little kids look up to you whether or not your good or bad. But some girls didn't have good clothing. Like Mily Cilout and Cade Paune. They were different so they didn't really have little admirers. As I got dressed I was thinking.

I kept wondering why I had dreamt about my dad. I never dream about him. But sometimes my dreams had different meanings. Maybe I miss him and don't even know it. Or I might see him sometime soon. I wasn't really sure on the last one but it could be true.

As I was brushing my long bright red hair, my phone vibrated. On the screen it said Maria. She was my best friend in the whole wide world. Sometimes she felt more like my sister that Jilian and Ally. She always had my back and I had hers. We had known eachother since the 2nd grade and have been best sisters since. We always got each other.

I opened the message and read it quickly knowing it would take a coulple of minutes.

Good Mrnig sis! Red-e 4 da test 2-da? Cant wate til luch! Me & Ty r sitig 2-geder! Luv him soo much! O mete me @ walgrenes k? by, maria

I replied saying she would have to wait a while since I was running behind. I quickly finished getting ready and got my bag with all my school stuff in it. I literally fell down the stairs and thankfully landing on my butt. It hurt now but it could have been worse. I grabbed my lunch and water bottle and put them in my bag. I took my peices of toast off my purple plate and ran out the door forgetting to say goodbye.

I raced down the street and rounded the corner just in time to see Maria leave her house.

" Maria! Hey I am so glad I actually am going to make it to school today and be on time!" I said breathing heavily. Mari was now laughing at me because of my breathing. I started laughing too. It was pretty funny. With Mari we could always laugh at ourselves and make fun knowing we would forgive eachother immediately.

We both made the bus which was good because we had to talk about Mar and Tyler Crowsky. He was cute but was hard to get. Each year he had like 4 girlfriends in all. All the other boys and like 18 ex's at the end of each year. And most girls had fewer than that but more than Tyler. Anyone who dated Tyler was officially better than all the other girls. It was weird but true.

When we got to school we said see ya later and went to our seperate groups. Since the 6th grade we all have different groups we eat with and talk to. I had a couple different groups but my main one included Maya Tosp, LuLu Lorrew, adn Lauren Abigail. We were all best friends but not closer than me and Mar. First period went by quickly and so did specials. Today I had Strings, I play cello*, and we practiced our last song we had to learn. Now we just have to practice all our songs and wait for the spring concert.

When we got to lunch, I looked around trying to find Tyler and Mari. I finally found them sitting together at a lunch table farthest from all of us. They were alone and were both laughing. She was giggling and he was chuckling. I couldn't help but tell my friends to look in their direction. Now they scooted closer to each other and were talking more seriously.

"How long do you think they will last? I give them until half way through summer and then they will both move on." Lauren asked us as if she was telling the future. She seemed so certain but I knew it would las longer.

"I say till the start of next year and then he'll dump her and start looking for his new girl." Maya replied also seeming so certain. "I think they will be splitsville by the end of this school year. He will probably dump her for you Cle." Lu replied also so certain. She really thought we would date?I mean he's cute but not hot. Just cute. And I think he is kind of rude because he is always bumping into people and not saying sorry or using manners.

After lunch we had recess and that was really hot. So everyone I hung out with was sitting in the shade trying to keep cool. It was hard but not impossible. We survived and made it to third period. When we were doing attendance the speaker made a beeping noise and the office lady gave us a message.

"Can you please send Cleo Marks down to the front office, she's leaving will be leaving and tell her to tell her homeroom teacher that she will be gone for the rest of the year?" she asked politely. My Science teacher told her yes and looked at me and told me goodbye. As I left I told my friends goodbye and they said goodbye too.

I did what the lady told me and went to my home room teacher and gave him the message. He too said goodbye and so did his class. I walked down the halls and up to the front office where Tami stood. Once we were in the car I asked her where we were going.

" Well you are going to California to spend the summer with your dad. He needs someone there with him. He's been alone way too long." she answers hoping I would be interested. But I wasn't so I fought back with her.


Hey guys sorry I didn't write/type more. Please vote and comment. Oh and the * thingy by the 'I play cello*' was because I actually do play cello but I didn't have strings to day because it was Sunday! :)

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