Chapter Seven: Great Dancer

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March 21st, 2019

       BUZZ. BUZZ.

I mindlessly picked up my phone, still paying attention to my mom's rant about politics. She was going off about the news.

"I mean, really? This is ridiculous, Daya. I mean yeah, the man's done some good things, but our president is a total dick."

She was referring to how he treated and dealt with women. She and I were big feminists, and she never let anyone forget it. I, however, have learned to keep a lot of my opinions quiet.

I glanced at my phone.

Unknown: Sorry for scaring you the other night.

I looked up at my mom, and then processed what I had read and looked back down.

Daya: wrong number bro

I turned my screen off and engaged in conversation with my mom. We moved on to talking about food.

"Alright kiddo, what's the move for dinner?" She asked.

I flipped onto the couch backwards, letting my head hang off the edge. "Great question."

"Yeah, that's why I'm asking you." She said, flopping down next to me.

"Hm. Yeah, I am pretty great."

She snorted. "Yeah, okay."

I rolled my eyes, suppressing a laugh. "I vote we skip out on cooking and just order pizza."

"We stan."

I got up and gave my mom the you're-not-cool-please-stop-im-begging-you look.

Buzz buzz.

Unknown: i suggest papa john's

The smile I had on my face vanished. Was this the same Ethan guy?

Daya: who is this?

My heart pounded as the ellipses came up. My mom noticed my nerves and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing, I just realized I have an essay due tomorrow in fourth block." I said.

This wasn't a complete lie; I did have an essay due for psych, I just had already finished it. I looked back at my phone when it buzzed.

Unknown: relax, darling, don't look so distraught. it's just ethan :)

My mom's phone rang.

"Hello," She answered, "Oh, hey Love!..Tonight? Uh, nothing, I was just going to have pizza and a Melissa McCarthy movie marathon with Daya...Really? Oh, I don't know.."

I jumped up and waved my hands at her.

"Go!!" I mouthed when I caught her eye. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "Go." I encouraged.

She sighed. "Alright, what time?...Sounds good, I'll see you then."

"Where are you going?" I asked as she hung up.

She nervously smiled. "His friends' for a few drinks and karaoke."

"Aw, that's great! Go get ready. I'm calling for Patience to come over."

"What about Paris?"

I got up from the bar stool. "She's out of town visiting family in Michigan."

"Ah, okay. I'm gonna go get groceries and then I'll come get ready. Feed the cat while I'm out." She said, grabbing her purse from the counter and slipping on some black vans.

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