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June 19, 1834

'She' has spent 134 years trying to find the cure. She wants to stop. She is tired. She is hopeless. Her world has always been dark, but her soul remains warm thanks to her mother. She doesn't understand why no one is willing to love her wickedly beautiful galaxies, her flaws, her uniqueness. She admits that she is different. Sometimes she feels too much, sometimes she feels nothing at all. But no one is perfect. So who will love her, and make her truly love?  There is only one person that can make that happen. Meanwhile, she spends her short days and long nights looking for her true love. 

"Where are you, my love?  I'm in pain because of you. Can't you see me? I'm right here, waiting for you. Do you even exist?" She was asking and answering herself as she was walking down the street.

"How pathetic. I ask myself the same questions every day, and I mumble the same answers every day." She continued saying as she reached the nearest bar.

As she entered the bar she felt an intense gaze from the back of the bar, she didn't pay too much attention. She didn't fear anything nor anyone, just her father. A couple of hours later she left the bar faking her 'drunk' condition, she knew someone was following her. She wanted to make sure her instincts were correct so she entered another bar and left the place a couple of minutes later. She was right. Someone was following her. A girl.

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