This color draws attention and attracts others to the wearer.
- usually worn on datesOrange
This color puts you in a positive mood.
- orange makes people feel energetic, enthusiastic, and warm.Yellow
This color puts you in a happy, bright mood.
- also associated with intelligenceGreen
This color reduces stress and represents jealously and good health.
- also associated with jealously, as in "green with envy."Blue
This color makes you more peaceful and tranquil (calm).
- also symbolizes loyalty
- sometimes it may mean cold and depressing.Purple
This color is associated with spirituality and intuition.
- also used to be a symbol of wealth. Centuries ago, only extremely wealthy people could afford purple items because the dye was expensive.Pink
This color is associated with caring, compassion, and love.
- stands for unconditional love and understanding.White
This means innocence, peace, simple ness, and cleanlinessBlack
This can signify power, seriousness, authority and responsibility.
- black doesn't usually symbolize emotion
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