The truth

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Raph's POV

I glared at Shredder with anger. I also see Leo standing next to Shredder, holding up a sword just like the rest of the foot soldiers.

My brothers and I turned around to see that Fish Face and Rahzar are blocking the exit.

"I thought you would treat them better than this" said the Shredder, wearing a helmet covering is face but I know he's smiling

"have you honestly not told them the type of things I'm capable of doing to trespassers..." Shredder looked at Splinter "and you, I wanted you to suffer the way I suffered for taking my daughter away for me. You gave me these scars; you made me into who I am today"

Splinter managed to stand up "I never wanted you to become a villain. you did that all by yourself." Shredder growled.

"we're going to make it simple Shredder. give us what we want and we'll be on our merry way" said Raph

"Yeah you don't want to mess with us shredhead" said Mikey being his silly self.

There was silence for a moment, then shredder laughed "You think you're going to win in the end. Cute, but as you can see I have many soldiers more advanced then you're students could ever be that being said," Shredder looked at Leo "kill them!" The whole foot clan started to attack us.

Rahzar tried scratching us with his claws but I used the T Net to trap him and then it electrocuted him.

"You never said it electrocuted people" I said "I don't want Mikey to mess around with this too much" said Donnie

Master Splinter healed himself, grab his sword and charged at shredder but all of the foot soldiers attacks hymns at once protecting the master.

Splinter was taking the foot soldiers out one by one as I ran over to help him

But Leo came up and kicked me in the chest.

He smirked and pulled out his sword ready to attack.

This is my chance to get through to him.

Nobody's POV

Raph pulled out his sci and he knocked the sword out of Leo's hand.

"Leo snap out of it!" Raph yelled. Leo kick Raph's face and tackled him to the floor.

Leo drew out his sword and was about to kill Raph until Donnie and Mikey tried to stop him.

"Get away from him!" yelled Donnie.

Leo punched Donnie and Mikey out of the way. This gives Raph a chance to get up and push Leo to the wall

"Leo we are your family. we're going to help you" There was sadness in Leo's eyes as he remembered how Splinter helped him earlier today.

April went over to Leo and use her mind powers to regain his memory. There is a huge ringing in Leo's head; he felt like his brain was on fire. Leo screamed it caused him so much pain.

Leo pushed Raph and April out of the way and fell to his knees, starting to freak out.

Fishface came and tackled April. the turtles went to help except for Leo, he was still writhing in pain.

Ever since April used her mind powers on Leo, it had bought back only the memory of Shredder wiping his memory.

He looked up and stared at Tiger Claw fighting with Mikey.

Leo kicked Tigerclaw in the stomach.

when tigerclaw got up he brought his sword "what are you doing Leonardo" said tigerclaw anger "you lied to me!!!" yelled Leo still freaking out from the headache. "everything you ever told me what's a lie I remember everything the Shredder took my mem-" Leo stopped and looked at him "shredder" said Leo in a calm And angry voice. he charged that shredder "Leo no!" yelled Mikey shredder grabbed Leo by the chest and through him across the window behind his throne. now Leo is bleeding everywhere Leo doesn't know who to turn to he still doesn't remember anything so he ran far away from the building as possible. Leo was gone.

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