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"Do you even know how to catch a fucking fish?"

"Shut the fuck up. I'm trying my best."

Taehyung chuckles and hits Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm just messing with you. It's a slow day today."

"Yeah, it's like the Ocean's asleep."

"Maybe something's scaring the fish off... Someone reported seeing a large fish in the area yesterday. Could've been a shark."

Jungkook's eyes scan the water until he sees the glint of light hitting scales. "Woah, did you see that? That was a huge tail! Probably a swordfish."

"Ahhh that would make more sense."

"That's why there aren't any fucking fish here. What a waste of time."

He starts reeling in his book when he feels a sudden tug. "Finally." He carefully starts reeling it in again, but he can't.

"What the he-"

There's a strong tug on his pole. "Did the swordfish grab my fucking hook?"

Soon the fight over control gets more geared. Jungkook loses his footing a few times. He gets slammed into the railing, straight on his other pole. The hook pierces his skin and he gasps, getting caught off guard.

One final tug from the fish sends Jungkook flying over the edge, plummeting 30 feet down to the water.

Taehyung watches in horror as he disappears into the water. Other fishermen crowd around him. "Someone call the lifeguards and get a boat out there now!"

Taehyung starts hyperventilating. "What the fuck just happened? Why didn't he just let go?! Oh my god that idiot! What if it was a shark?" He scans the water for blood or any signs of a struggle but there's nothing.

"Did the thing drag him down?!"

SCALES | Jikook mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now