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Jungkook doesn't remember alot of what happened except for one second he was fishing and the next he was thrashing around under water while someone was at eye level trying to drag him to the surface.

When he registered that he was safe, he allowed the person to carry him up. When the broke the surface, they were under the pier.

The person mumbles. "Are... Are good?"

Jungkook gasps for air and when he regains his breath, he frowns. "What?"

"Are good?"

"What are you saying?"

"Person okay?" The dude seems desperate for Jungkook to answer. "No, I'm not okay. I fell off a pier! What kind of question is that! Also, why are you so far out? Are you some kind of professional swimmer or something?"

The person tilts their head. "No... Me no... Confusing?"

"Do you speak English?"


"No, English. Where are you from?"


"The Pacific? Are you from Hawaii?"

"What is?"

"So you obviously know bits of En- HOLY FUCK I just felt a huge fish. I need to get out of the water."

He starts swimming towards the shore and the person frowns. "No!"

Jungkook grabs the concrete pier spire. "What do you mean 'no'?!"


"There's sharks?!"

"No freak out. No."

"They're gonna eat me oh my god they're gonna eat me-"

"I swim under. You okay."

The guy swims up to Jungkook without using his hands and Jungkook freezes. "What the..." His eyes trail and downs and he sees the guys legs are non existent. In place of them is a giant pink/orange tail.

Naturally, he faints from shock, falling back down and sinking.

The apparent mermaid-like creature gasps and dives down, grabbing him. He pulls him back up and holds him above water.

He swims him back towards the shore where a guy is waiting, frantically waving his arms. He runs into the water and starts swimming towards them.

When he reaches them, he grabs Jungkook and disregards the guy who helped him, dragging him into the sand and pressing his ear against his chest for any sign of a heartbeat.

When he realizes Jungkook is alive, he looks back to thank the guy but they're gone.


3 days later, Jungkook returns to the beach at sunset and stands about waist deep. He wants to see the person again. He wants to know if he was being insane or not. Mermaids... Or mermen don't exist. They can't.

After a few minutes of seeing nothing, he walks under the pier. That's where the guy was when Jungkook fell. After staring at the water for almost half an hour, he sees movement. He walks out to shoulder depth.

The movement gets closer and Jungkook sees the guys head pop out of the water. He smiles and gets closer. "Back!"

"Yeah, I'm back."


"I just wanted to see if I was imagining things or not. I... guess I wasn't." The guy's tail is very evident.

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