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Jungkook sits off to the side while Taehyung and Jimin talk to each other. A few minutes earlier, Jimin turned back into a human and put on his clothes.

Every once and a while, Jimin touches Tae's upper arm or thigh and gives him a warm smile. Tae gets flustered and continues talking about whatever it was he was talking about.

Jungkook hates watching it. He's just bored and sick of being a third wheel. He stands up and starts walking to the exit of the cove. Jimin looks over and frowns. "Where are you going?"

"Home." He climbs over the rocks and walks across the grassy park. He ends up sitting down under one of the trees. It's a beautiful night. The moonlight is making the water look like a sea of crystals. He closes his eyes and leans back against the tree trunk.

He can hear soft echos of chuckles and giggles coming from the general direction of the cove and he scowls. When he invited Tae, he didn't think they would shut him out entirely. Judging by the laughter, they either didn't notice Jungkook was upset or they didn't care.

This makes Jungkook's heart hurt. Jimin is being so selfish. He's just controlling Tae so he'll only pay attention to him. Jungkook decides he'll never talk to the 'creature' again. They're just like the myths.

Greedy. Lustful. Selfish. They want what they want and don't care if it hurts other people in the process of getting it. They only think about themselves.

Maybe Jungkook should expose him. Tell the media. Sell him to science and become rich. Maybe he'll just seduce one of the scientists.

He feels a light tap on his shoulder and he opens his eyes. Jimin is crouched down in front of him. "Why did you leave?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "I left to have some alone time, but I guess that's not going to happen." Jimin giggles. "Yeah..."

He sits down hip to hip with Jungkook and rests his head on his shoulder. "It's really pretty, isn't it?"

"Why'd you leave your prince charming alone?"

Jimin sighs softly. "His girlfriend called. He's talking on the phone right now so I just thought I'd come up here to see if you actually went home or not."

Jungkook doesn't respond. He just closes his eyes and relaxes like he was when the rude bitch interrupted his train of thought.

"I kind of noticed we were ignoring you... I'm really sorry. If I had noticed earlier I would have tried to include you, but by the time I realized my mistake, you were walking away."

Jungkook continues to ignore him entirely.

Jimin frowns. "You're special, Kook. You could really use me for your own benefit but you don't because you're a good person. I'm really happy that you're the human I met."

"It's all because of whatever stupid fish pulled me over the edge."

Jimin clears his throat. "That was me..."

Jungkook opens his eyes. "I'm sorry, what?"

"It was me... I was the dumb fish... I just got so curious because there was this hook attached to a string so I pulled on it. I didn't expect a human to be the other end and I really didn't expect that human to come hurtling down."

"So you almost killed me but then saved me?"

"Yeah. Sorry for almost killing you."

"I guess it's okay."

"Do you think it was worth it? Falling off the pier?"

"Why would it be worth it?"

Jimin blushes. "Because now you know me."

"I guess knowing a merman is worth falling off a pier."

"No, I meant me. Was it worth knowing me?"

Jungkook looks over at him and gives him a small nod. "Sure, I guess. It's always fun to meet a new friend."

Jimin shudders at the word friend. "Yeah. That's what I was thinking too." He gives Jungkook a small kiss at the base of his neck.

Jungkook blushes but it goes away after a millisecond.

"So... Do you have any single friends I could meet?"

The tiny sliver of happiness that was in Kook's heart immediately disappears.

SCALES | Jikook mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now