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Jungkook and Jimin eventually pull away from the kiss. "Let me take you out to dinner. I know a lot of really good places that are nearby."

"You'll have to teach me table manners. Do they serve raw fish? That's all I really eat."

"... We can try sushi."


"It's Japanese. There's raw fish on it."

"Oh. Then sure. I'd love to try sushi."

"Are you sure that isn't cannibalism? Since you're part-fish and everything?"

Jimin's jaw drops. "You can't say that. That's really offensive. That's like saying a shark is a cannibal when it eats fish. We're completely different species."

Jungkook winces. "Sorry. I didn't know."


Jungkook lends Jimin's a pair of flip flops and they walk down the street. Jimin keeps stopping to stare at things so Jungkook grabs his hand. "You can't stop every five seconds."

Jimin blushes and looks up at him shyly. "Sorry... I've just never been in a city before."

Jungkook smiles. "It's okay. Also, this isn't a city. This is just a town. Cities have super tall buildings that have big glass windows."

"Aren't they called skyscrapers?"


"Wait, those actually exist? I thought they were just a myth."

"After eating, do you want me to drive you to a city?"

Jimin giddily nods. "That would be awesome. Where are we eating?"

"It's just a few more blocks down."


Jimin takes a bite of sashimi and his eyes roll back. "Fuck–"

Jungkook chuckles. "Is it good?"

"This is like candy. I've never had salmon. I'm guessing it's a freshwater fish."


"Well it's fucking fantastic."

"It's pretty easy to buy around here. I am cook you some if you want to try cooked fish."

Jimin looks up with wide eyes. "Like... At your house?"

"I live in a dorm, but yeah. If that's okay with you."

Jimin smiles and nods. "I'd love to."

SCALES | Jikook mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now