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A week passes. Jungkook doesn't go fishing and he doesn't go to the cove. He doesn't thinks it really matters. Jimin said he had a reason for coming to the land and Jungkook really expected him to be fulfilling his wishes.

But that was not the case.

Every day, Jimin swam around the pier looking for Jungkook but he was never there. Every night, he went to the cove and sat on the rock, waiting. Jungkook never came.

But one night, Jungkook wanted to go back to the cove. He remembered how peaceful it was and it was a stressful week at his job. He wanted to relax for a while.

Naturally, he was shocked to find the merman on the rock, knees pulls up to his chest, staring at the moon longingly.

"Oh. You're here."

Jimin looks over his shoulder and his eyes widen. "Jungkook?"

"Yeah. It's me."

Jimin sniffles. "Why did you not come back? Was I too annoying? If I was, I'm sorry and I understand and I'll leave you alone."

A few seconds ago, Jungkook would've said it was Jimin's fault that he didn't come back because he ignored him, but now he says, "You weren't annoying. I was just busy. I go to college, you know."

"But college isn't at night."

"I had homework. I would've come if I wasn't so busy. I'm sorry."

"I thought you hated me. It broke my heart."

"You have to understand that it wasn't my fault."

"I know..."

Jungkook sits down next to him. "Did you do anything while I was gone? Have you found your 'true love', or whatever?"

Jimin wipes the tears off of his cheeks. "I thought I did..." He bitterly chuckles. "I was so wrong."


Jimin holds back a tear. "You wouldn't know him..."

"We're friends. You can tell me."

Tears start streaming down Jimin's cheeks. "Stop it. Stop saying we're friends."

Jungkook frowns. "Are we not friends?"

Jimin hides his face in his knees and Jungkook can see his shoulders shaking. "Why are you crying?"

"Because my heart is broken."

"Who broke your heart?"

Jimin shakes his head in disbelief. "Do you seriously not know?"

"Was it Tae?"

"No! I never had feelings for Tae!"

"Then who is it?"

"Do you seriously not know? It's you. You broke my heart and stole a piece of it and it hurts because I know you don't feel the same. I should've never come to the land..."

Jungkook feels his heart sink. "I'm sorry-"

"It's not your fault. I get it. I'm just a manipulative little bitch who has to control people to make them like me."

A few things cross Jungkook's mind.

1. Does Jungkook actually hate Jimin or is he just jealous when he gives other people attention?

Simple answer: No. After thinking it over, Jungkook is really into Jimin. It's just been jealousy all along.

2. Is Jimin controlling him right now?

Another simple answer: No. He's in a weak mindset. There's no way.

Jungkook scoots closer and pulls Jimin into his chest. "You don't need to control people. I do like you."

"Then why would you avoid me?"

"Jealousy. It's a rotten thing. I subconsciously told myself that you didn't like me because you always asked if I had single friends. I thought I had no chance."

"I only asked because you never paid attention to me. I thought I had no chance."

"Well, then both of us were wrong."

Jimin looks up and blinks tears away. "We're idiots."


Jimin grips Jungkook's shoulders and lifts himself up, planting a kiss on Jungkook's lips. Jungkook holds Jimin close and continues kissing him.

After a few minutes, they hear a, "This was very unexpected."

They break apart and turn to the cove where Taehyung is standing. "Didn't know you were gay, Kook."

"I didn't really know either. It makes sense though. I never really liked girls."

Jimin grabs Jungkook's face and pulls him back down, fluidly moving his lips against his. Taehyung looks away. "Maybe I should just go..." Jimin gives him a thumbs up without breaking the kiss.

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