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Cyrus' POV

I slid into my seat in History class as soon as the bell rang, watching intently as TJ rummaged through his backpack next to me. His face was red and his school books were sprawled out across our two desks that had been smashed together, and I knew he was looking for his journal. I tried my best to look relaxed, although I knew my expression practically screamed "gay panic"

"Hey. . .scary-basketball-guy. . .are you looking for something?" I asked, my eyes squeezing half-shut as though I expected him to punch me square in the jaw, screaming for me to give him his journal back. Instead, his face turned a deeper shade of red and his eyebrows shot up in surprise now that I was talking to him for the first time in all of ever. His voice came out rushed and shaky.

"Cyrus! Cyrus Goodman. Hey. Yeah. I was just looking for my black leather journal. I use it every day to write my History notes in, since History is my favorite subject. . .I'd like to study History when I'm older, actually." His face turned white with pallor and his mouth snapped shut. " I-I mean, after my career in the NBA is over of course." I watched in astonishment as TJ's face lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July. I had never heard about TJ being super talkative like this. He didn't seem so scary. . .

When his head was pushed back down into the depths of his backpack, I quietly pulled his journal out from my own backpack and pretended to rummage through the books on our desks, adding his journal to the ever-growing pile. I faked a look of shock and his head jerked up, watching intently as I dramatically yanked the leather book out of the pile of worn textbooks and old notebooks. "Is this what you're looking for?"

I watched as color flooded back into TJ's face and a whisper of a smile spread across his lips. "Cy! I mean, Cyrus! You're amazing, thank you so much." I had no time to think as TJ threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for an awkward side-hug. He smelled like pumpkin and maple, which reminded me of my favorite season: Autumn. I took a deep breath and tried to capture the scent.

"Of course, I'm happy to help." I grinned at TJ and caught myself blushing fiercely. I dramatically tugged at my sweater as if the room was just really warm all of a sudden.

TJ returned the smile and I could have sworn I saw him blushing, too. "You have no idea how much you helped, though. Really. Between you and I, this journal holds a lot more than just History notes."

I feigned surprise. "Oh?" He nodded, still smiling. "Yeah, this journal kind of, like, doubles as my diary, I guess. If anyone read it, I would freak out. . .and I think whoever read it would freak out, too."

Well, he was correct about that.

"Anyway," He continued. "I like to write at school sometimes, like the day of a big game or Motocross competition. Sometimes good things or bad things just randomly happen to me, and I like to jot down my thoughts while they're still fresh in my mind. It's kind of like venting to somebody Does that make sense?"

I nodded my head slowly. "Yeah, TJ, it does. I think it's really cool that you keep a journal. I would love to, but I would give up on it within a day." We both laughed, and TJ gave me an understanding look.

"Thanks again, Cyrus."

About halfway through History class, an idea pops into my head. Thinking about how TJ and I have our desks smushed together and eventually ended up talking to each other really got me thinking. What if I could get Buffy and TJ on good terms by forcing them to spend time together? And maybe, just maybe, I could get TJ to open up to me a little in the process. I know exactly what it's like having to come to terms with being gay. And knowing how much pressure is probably on TJ's back all of the time, I'll bet this is really hard on him. So, I could invite TJ to The Spoon, get him on good terms with the GHC, and then we'd all be best friends!

Before common sense could try to convince me otherwise, I found the courage to ask TJ to The Spoon. "Hey, TeeeeeeeeeeJayyy. . ." I started, cringing as I spread out the letters. Luckily, TJ softly giggled and turned his attention to me. "Yeah, Cyrus?"

"Did you. . .maybe want to come to The Spoon with me and a couple of friends after school? We're looking for an addition to our. . .Crew."

TJ looked at me thoughtfully. "Don't your friends include Andi Mack, Smiley Guy, and Buffy Driscoll?"

I snorted at the mention of "Smiley Guy", realizing he was referring to my longtime crush, Jonah Beck.

"Are you referring to Jonah Beck, the Ultimate Frisbee player?" I asked, laughing.

"Yada, Yada, Yada, I know the kid's name." He snapped back, annoyance suddenly lacing his tone. His face turned red at the realization of his outburst and he slumped in his seat.

"Okay, okay," I replied. "Anyway, are you in?" I asked. TJ looked concerned. "Doesn't Buffy, like, hate me for making her life a living hell?"

I wasn't going to lie to him. "Well, yeah. But this is your chance at redemption! I think you seem like a really, really sweet guy and more people deserve to see that. Buffy is a great place to start." TJ pondered the proposal for a moment, smiling. I wonder what was going through his head. "Alright, you've convinced me. On one condition."

"Name it, I'll do anything!" I said, practically jumping out of my chair. I bit my lip and blushed, realizing the weight of what I had just said. "I mean--practically anything."

TJ smiled and blushed at what I had said, looking like he was thinking verrrrrrrrrrry intently about something for a short moment.

"I'm in the mood for something sweet. Split something with me at The Spoon today. Do we have a deal?"

"It's a deal."

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