chapter 3

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Hi! I drew this concept art for the clothing Zelda gives you in this chapter(spoilers >.<) sorry if its bad quality. I am by no means professional but I just wanted to give you some perspective. You can chose which one you like best out of all three or even make up your own!(personally number one is my favourite!)


Your pov:

"Y-you! What? Who are you!?"

The tall and slender man smirked at my confusion.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Ghirahim but I would much prefer you to call me by my full title: Lord Ghirahim," He flipped his hair and turned to face me, "you are no longer in your home dimension, and as far as I know there is no way back. I want to work with you, you see, that Link boy and you have a special connection of sorts and I need to lure Link into my little trap. So later today I want you to play hostage so he comes to the demon realm himself. Rest assured you will not be harmed during this."

He extended a familiar gloved hand.

"Wait- what?? What do you mean dimension??"

"Did I stutter? Now do we have a deal or not?" The demon said, irritated by my questioning.

"Oh my go- I'm in another dimension!! How- what?why??"

Ghirahim let out a sigh and face palmed.

"I'll come and get you at midday whether or not you're ready."

"But I never agre-"

Poof, and he was gone.

My heart sank.

What did he mean by another dimension, he was joking right?? Also that hand seems familiar, I don't know why but it does. How am I supposed to get back?? Link and I have a connection? But most importantly he was coming to get me at midday?

"This is all a sick joke.." I sighed and got up from the ground.

"Hey!! Y/n!!"links voice reached out from behind the trees.

"Hey Link, w-what's up?"

"Geez, y/n you look like you've seen a ghost, are you okay?"

"Haha I'm fine! No need to worry about me!"

I am so not fine.

"Well, Groose, Zelda and I wanted to go pick up some goods from Zelda's. Are you sure you're well enough to join us?"

"Ah.. yes. I've been meaning to ask you, but you wouldn't happen to know where I could get some of your traditional clothing?"

"I could ask Zelda if she has any spares whilst we're there."


For now, I need to look the part as to not raise any suspicion.

The two of us walked out of the woodland and soon met up with Groose and Zelda.

We walked down the road to a small but cute house.

"Welcome to my humble abode, y/n."

As soon as I walked in the smell of fresh flowers bombarded my nose. Don't get me wrong it wasn't unpleasant, just really strong.

"So, y/n, I heard you're looking for some clothes." Zelda smirked facetiously.

"Uh..yes if it's not a problem."

"Don't worry I got you covered."she quickly grabbed my arm and forced me into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her before quickly sticking her head out of it.

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