| chapter ten |

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"What would you think about asking someone on a date?" Carri said, and I tripped over my robes as we walked towards Transfiguration.

"Come again?" I said, trying not to swear out loud. I really didn't have time for this. My Ancient History test was tomorrow, and I needed to start studying soon.

"Asking someone out. C'mon, there has to be one person you like!" Carri steadily replied, glancing behind us to make sure the boys couldn't hear us.

"Uh, well, I don't really know. Um, James Potter? He's cute." I threw out a name, hoping she wouldn't ask for more details.

"I knew it!" Carri squealed, quieting down as we took our seats. "You guys are just so perfect for each other."

"So you've said," I muttered, pasting on a bright smile. "How are you and Oliver doing, by the way?"

Carri wilted. "Well, I haven't really said anything to him..."

"He told you about his feelings two and a half weeks ago, Carri!" I said, "You can't keep going on like this. You guys need to talk about this."

"I want to, I really do," Carri promised, "But every time I get the nerve to do it, he just looks at me and I lose all of my resolve. He's so sweet and kind, but he's getting way too serious about our relationship."

"You should still tell him..." I replied.

"I know, Glinda," Carri snapped, and my eyes widened. Carri sighed, her voice becoming less sharp. "I just don't know how too. If I say anything, he'll think we're breaking up."

"Maybe that's a good idea, then," I suggested. It would have been my first thought anyway, but now I could tell her since she brought it up. "You guys had a good run, but if it's not working out, then you have to say something."

"It'll break his heart."

"Not saying something is breaking yours."

Fortunately, McGonagall started the class, halting our conversation. Unfortunately, Carri was still hellbent on getting me a date, especially since I had now 'confessed' to liking someone, and cornered me at breakfast the next morning.

"I've got it!" Carri said triumphantly, "I know what we're going to do! I have a plan to get your date with James Potter!"

"Oh, really?" I replied, closing my Ancient History textbook. When Carri got started, there was no stopping her. "And what is it?"

"I'm going to ask Sirius Black for help!" She said, "I won't mention your feelings, of course, but I know he's been trying to get James a little more out there. I guess he holds the opinion that Lily would be a terrible person for James to date."

"Right now, he's not wrong," I agreed, "I told you what happened at Slughorn's party..."

"And now she's shooting you dirty looks every opportunity she can, yes," Carri said, "So if I can get him to get James to ask you out - it would be perfect!"

I smiled brightly, and for the first time, wished I could feel the same way Carri felt about all of this romance. She got so excited, even when her relationship wasn't going so great, and cared so much. To any other best friend, this would be the perfect plan for a great start to a romance.

I really didn't deserve Carri.

"That sounds fantastic," I responded, trying my best to enthuse as much positivity into my voice as possible. But already, my attention was drifting to the time and how much more studying I could get through before class. A run of the flash cards, maybe? Or I could remake a cause and effect chart.

MY TYPE OF LOVE | marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now